
specify是什么意思 specify在线翻译 specify什么意思 specify的意思 specify的翻译 specify的解释 specify的发音 specify的同义词 specify的反义词

specify [ˈspesɪfaɪ]  [ˈspɛsəˌfaɪ] 


specify 基本解释

及物动词指定; 详述; 提出…的条件; 使具有特性


specify 相关例句


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. The regulations specify that you may use a dictionary in the examination.

2. The contract specifies red tiles for the roof.

3. specify

3. The directions specify how the medicine is to be used.

specify 网络解释

1. 说明:我们也将要详细说明(specify)要达成支援的足够等级表示什麼;例因果的连结. 在这种方式下,我们可以专注提供(equip)解决在互动系统中问题的类别. 我们尝试解决设计问题. 如果我们可以在开始(outset)就正确的定义设计问题,

2. 詳細指明:38 工业技术研究院 经济部工业局附第 10 条条款规定必须提交的资讯 满足附到附十一要求的指南 附到附十一详细指明(specify)依照本法第 10 条,第 12 条,第 13 条,第 40 条,第 41 条和第 46 条规定进注册与评估所需呈递的资讯.最低吨层级的要求事项载明 於附七,

specify 词典解释

1. 明确说明;具体指定
    If you specify something, you give information about what is required or should happen in a certain situation.

    e.g. They specified a spacious entrance hall...
    e.g. He has not specified what action he would like them to take.

2. 具体说明(或规定)
    If you specify what should happen or be done, you explain it in an exact and detailed way.

    e.g. Each recipe specifies the size of egg to be used...
    e.g. One rule specifies that learner drivers must be supervised by adults...

specify 单语例句

1. The measures specify punishments for officials personally engaged in business operations and for the spouses or offspring of officials who run businesses.

2. Although it didn't specify China by name, the Pentagon was aware of that country's military potential.

3. Hotchner did not specify what kind of cancer Newman had, but said the actor is in active treatment.

4. For a mobile carrier or its regulator to ban certain rights of speech, shouldn't they at least first specify what is forbidden to text?

5. Stallone's lawyer had said the actor should be spared a criminal conviction, saying Stallone took the hormones for medical reasons that he did not specify.

6. Homeowner's Insurance Policies specify which property and casualty perils are covered.

7. The agreement didn't specify what action Russia and China would back at the Security Council, which may range from censure to sanctions.

8. The central bank did not specify the reasons for foreign exchange reserves rise in the statement.

9. Applicants insisted that the country's regulation for civil servant jobs does not specify thalassemia gene carriers cannot pass the physical examination.

10. Curley did not clarify how a product that provided some news earlier would work or specify the target customers for the potential new service.


specify 英英释义



1. select something or someone for a specific purpose

    e.g. The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise

    Synonym: assignset apart

2. design or destine

    e.g. She was intended to become the director

    Synonym: intenddestinedesignate

3. define clearly

    e.g. I cannot narrow down the rules for this game

    Synonym: pin downpeg downnail downnarrow downnarrow

4. decide upon or fix definitely

    e.g. fix the variables
           specify the parameters

    Synonym: setdeterminedefinefixlimit

5. specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement
    make an express demand or provision in an agreement

    e.g. The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life
           The contract stipulates the dates of the payments

    Synonym: stipulatequalifycondition

6. be specific about

    e.g. Could you please specify your criticism of my paper?

    Synonym: particularizeparticularisespecializespecialise

7. determine the essential quality of

    Synonym: definedelineatedelimitdelimitate

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