
speculative是什么意思 speculative在线翻译 speculative什么意思 speculative的意思 speculative的翻译 speculative的解释 speculative的发音

speculative [ˈspekjələtɪv]  [ˈspɛkjulətɪv, -ˌle-] 

speculative 基本解释

形容词投机的; 思考的; 推理的,揣摩的

speculative 网络解释

1. 推测:例如:在论述论文选题应避免太宽泛(broad)、乏味(bland)和主观推测(speculative)时,都用具体选题例句进行比较,读者看后一目了然. 又如,在谈到文稿格式时,提供了电子邮件(E-mail)、简历(resume)、求职信(application letter)、论文(researchpaper)等范文供读者参考.

speculative 词典解释

1. (信息)推测性的,猜测性的
    A piece of information that is speculative is based on guesses rather than knowledge.


    e.g. The papers ran speculative stories about the mysterious disappearance of Eddie Donagan...
    e.g. He has written a speculative biography of Christopher Marlowe.

2. (表情)带着疑问的,好奇的
    Someone who has a speculative expression seems to be trying to guess something about a person or thing.

    e.g. His mother regarded him with a speculative eye.

I caught her eyes on me speculatively. I imagined she was wondering about my relationship with Max.

3. 投机性的
    Speculative is used to describe activities which involve buying goods or shares, or buildings and properties, in the hope of being able to sell them again at a higher price and make a profit.

    e.g. Thousands of pensioners were persuaded to mortgage their homes to invest in speculative bonds...
    e.g. The King's Reach hotel was built as a speculative venture but never completed.

speculative 单语例句

1. The government has been trying to slow the economy to prevent its boom from becoming a speculative bubble that turns to a bust.

2. Analysts said the speculative buying of oil is the major force behind the current oil price spurt and it will not last very long.

3. Now the entire process of buying and selling the land by universities with the aid of local governments turns out to be a speculative business.

4. Speculative buying by domestic and overseas investors is also blamed for the price rises.

5. Excess liquidity is likely to attract more speculative capital and boost asset bubbles, which could mean a financial crisis in China.

6. Zhou said speculative capital cannot be avoided and the most important thing for China is to maintain its macroeconomic balance.

7. Volatility in major commodities amid the global financial crisis drew more speculative capital and increased demand for futures as a form of risk management.

8. Their challenge is to avoid inflation and speculative bubbles created by large capital inflows, and to maintain growth despite the demand for their exports in the West slows.

9. These speculative capital flows can move very quickly in and out of markets.

10. Such enterprises are believed to be possible entrepot for speculative capital flowing into China to seek gains as the yuan appreciates.

speculative 英英释义



1. showing curiosity

    e.g. if someone saw a man climbing a light post they might get inquisitive
           raised a speculative eyebrow

    Synonym: inquisitivequestioningwondering(a)

2. not based on fact or investigation

    e.g. a notional figure of cost helps in determining production costs
           speculative knowledge

    Synonym: notional

3. not financially safe or secure

    e.g. a bad investment
           high risk investments
           anything that promises to pay too much can't help being risky
           speculative business enterprises

    Synonym: badriskyhigh-risk

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