
speed是什么意思 speed在线翻译 speed什么意思 speed的意思 speed的翻译 speed的解释 speed的发音 speed的同义词 speed的反义词 speed的例句

speed [spi:d]  [spid] 

第三人称单数:speeds第三人称复数:speeds现在分词:speeding过去分词:sped; speeded过去式:sped; speeded

speed 基本解释

名词速度; 快速; 昌盛; (汽车的)变速器,排挡


不及物动词加速; 超速; 迅速前行; 兴隆

及物动词加快…的速度; 使成功,使繁荣

speed 相关词组

1. speed up : 加速;

speed 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Now space satellites are used to speed long distance calls.


1. The ambulance sped to the hospital.


1. The police stopped him for exceeding the speed limit.

2. speed

2. You work with amazing speed.

speed 网络解释

1. speed的近义词

1. speed:self programmed electronic equation delineator; 自编程电子方程图解器

2. speed:single pointemergency equipment divestment; 应急装备单点解脱机构

speed 词典解释

The form of the past tense and past participle is sped in meaning 5 but speeded for the phrasal verb. 义项 5 的过去式和过去分词为sped,但在短语动词中则为 speeded。

1. (运动、运行的)速度,速率
    The speed of something is the rate at which it moves or travels.

    e.g. He drove off at high speed...
    e.g. With this type of camera, the shutter speed is fixed...

2. (某事发生或进展的)速度,进度
    The speed of something is the rate at which it happens or is done.


    e.g. In the late 1850s the speed of technological change quickened...
           19 世纪 50 年代末期,技术变革的速度加快了。
    e.g. Each learner can proceed at his own speed.

3. (指运动、运行的)高速,快速
    Speed is very fast movement or travel.

    e.g. Speed is the essential ingredient of all athletics...
    e.g. He put on a burst of speed...

4. (指某事发生或进展时的)高速,快速
    Speed is a very fast rate at which something happens or is done.

    e.g. I was amazed at his speed of working.
    e.g. ...the sheer speed of the unification process.

5. (尤指坐车)快速行进
    If you speed somewhere, you move or travel there quickly, usually in a vehicle.

    e.g. Trains will speed through the Channel Tunnel at 186mph...
           火车将以每小时 186 英里的速度快速穿过海峡隧道。
    e.g. The engine noise rises only slightly as I speed along.

6. (驾车者)超速行驶
    Someone who is speeding is driving a vehicle faster than the legal speed limit.

    e.g. This man was not qualified to drive and was speeding.

He was fined for speeding last year.

7. 安非他明(一种兴奋剂)
    Speed is an illegal drug such as amphetamine which some people take to increase their energy and excitement.

8. see also: -speed

9. to pick up speed -> see pick

10. 掌握最新情况的
      If you are up to speed, you have all the most recent information that you need about something.

      e.g. A day has been set aside to bring all councillors up to speed on the proposal...
      e.g. Those in charge deluded themselves they were up to speed.

相关词组:speed up

speed 单语例句


1. Rail passengers faced longer journeys after fears of buckled tracks led to speed limits being imposed across the country.

2. The act is also aimed at supervising and urging developers to increase the speed of property development.

3. The convenience store's ticketing system hopes to cash in on the ticket buying habits of high speed rail passengers.

4. Director Gao said the solution to the difficulty of buying train tickets is to speed up the development of China's railways.

5. " He ordered the defense minister to speed up considerations so that we can act quickly, " Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura told reporters.

6. The speed and quality of a country's development is decided by whether the rights of the poor can be guaranteed.

7. Zhou promised that the speed of the cable car would be lowered on Thursday and he would send more assistants to help passengers.

8. The combination of Fu Haifeng's power with his regular partner Cai Yun's speed enabled the pair to become world's leading men's doubles teams since 2004.

9. He was the immediate choice when Californian Speed fell out with Toro Rosso after the European Grand Prix.

10. A final plan has yet to be devised, but the measures are likely to call for slowing down the speed of ships.

speed 英英释义


1. changing location rapidly

    Synonym: speedinghurrying

2. a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite
    used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression

    Synonym: amphetaminepep pillupper

3. a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens

    e.g. the project advanced with gratifying speed

    Synonym: swiftnessfastness

4. the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a (camera) lens system

    Synonym: focal ratiof numberstop number

5. distance travelled per unit time

    Synonym: velocity


1. move faster

    e.g. The car accelerated

    Synonym: acceleratespeed upquicken

2. cause to move faster

    e.g. He accelerated the car

    Synonym: acceleratespeed up

3. move very fast

    e.g. The runner zipped past us at breakneck speed

    Synonym: travel rapidlyhurryzip

4. travel at an excessive or illegal velocity

    e.g. I got a ticket for speeding

5. move fast

    e.g. He rushed down the hall to receive his guests
           The cars raced down the street

    Synonym: rushhotfoothastenhieracepelt alongrush alongcannonball alongbucket alongbelt alongstep on it

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