
spices是什么意思 spices在线翻译 spices什么意思 spices的意思 spices的翻译 spices的解释 spices的发音 spices的同义词 spices的反义词 spices的例句

spices [s'paɪsɪz]  [s'paɪsɪz] 


spices 基本解释

调味品;香料( spice的名词复数 );趣味;情趣;

spices 网络解释

1. 调料:只能在丘陵或有资源处建造;可能意外发现金属资源;铜、铁、煤、铝、铀、宝石、金、银处另有加成;种植园(plantation):掌握历法(calendar只能在香蕉(banana)、染料(dye)、香(incense)、丝绸(silk)、调料(spices)、糖(sugar)等资源处;

2. spices

2. 调味品:7、陵墓(Mausoleum)与积尘酒吧.在闹市市场区,与卖调味品(spices)的胖商人交谈,询问Mebbeth药草一事,他暂时不能帮助你(500exp),但指引你去找一位园丁(任务).

3. 香料:1937年,美国人Jay Hormel发明了称为Spam的食物,意思是加上香料(Spices)幷以火腿(Ham)制成的罐头食物. 当时午餐只常见于中产及上层阶级,一般的劳工阶层幷没有吃午餐的习惯,而政府官员及公司高层所举办的午宴聚会(Luncheon)流行吃Spam,

4. 香味居:以前只能在香港机场和海南美兰机场才能品尝到的美食,包括独特创新的天下饺子(Tian Xia Dumplings)、融合本帮和海南风味的粤菜馆香味居(Spices),现在在浦东机场就能品尝到.

spices 单语例句

1. The delightful aroma of fresh vegetables, spices and roasting meat immediately caught my gastronomical attention.

2. Add the ground ginger to the mixture and rub the chicken all over, massaging the spices well into the skin and inside the cavity.

3. Traditional dances and music will be performed on small stages and world famous Ceylon tea and spices are also available in shops at the pavilion.

4. A whole fish is seasoned and roasted over charcoal, and then placed in a metal pan along with copious amounts of spices and flavorings.

5. The spices used include both dry and fresh chilli, as well as fresh prickly ash seed.

6. The duck gets its sweet scent from ordinary spices of Chinese food, such as green onion and ginger.

7. If you want to take home a taste of Jamaica, the coffee shop also sells bags of Blue Mountain Coffee and Jamaican spices.

8. The extensive menu features all the usual favorites of both cuisines, with the strong Thai spices complementing the more subtle Vietnamese flavors.

9. The " individual perfume making center " has hundreds of essential oils and spices so that customers can concoct an exclusive perfume that they can wear.

10. The taro slices are then mashed with sugar, lard and some spices and cooked in a hot pan until velvety smooth.

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