
spike是什么意思 spike在线翻译 spike什么意思 spike的意思 spike的翻译 spike的解释 spike的发音 spike的同义词 spike的反义词 spike的例句

spike [spaɪk]  [spaɪk] 


spike 基本解释

名词长钉; 细高跟; (防滑)鞋钉; 尖状物

及物动词加烈酒于; 以大钉钉牢; 用尖物刺伤; 打乱某人的计划


spike 相关例句


1. The boys spiked the drinks, so everyone at the party got drunk.


1. There are spikes on the bottom of shoes used for running.

spike 网络解释

1. 刺突:根据对其他种类冠状病毒的研究结果,刺突(spike)蛋白(S蛋白)是病毒的主要表面抗原,重组S蛋白可用于临床诊治,疫苗制备和结构生物学研究. SARS病毒S蛋白基因被分段和完整地克隆到不同的细菌表达载体进行了表达. 通过宿主菌的选择和条件的优化,

2. 道钉:冻害道钉 机制道钉 、普通道钉、螺旋道钉、冻害道钉、弹簧道钉 道钉(spike)用于联结钢轨和轨枕或垫板和轨枕的一种扣件. 通常分为五种:普通道钉、冻害道钉、螺纹道钉、弹簧道钉、螺旋道钉. 1.普通道钉

3. spike在线翻译

3. 峰值:该方法亦可包括在RF电力源激活的过程中, 量测面板DC偏压电压随着时间变化的函数,其中在面板上所量测的电压中的一尖 峰值(spike)指出在处理室中发生一电弧(arcing)现象.

spike 词典解释

1. 金属钉状物;尖锥;尖钉
    A spike is a long piece of metal with a sharp point.

    e.g. ...a 15-foot wall topped with iron spikes...
           顶端装有铁刺的 15 英尺高的墙
    e.g. Yellowing receipts had been impaled on a metal spike.

2. 细长的尖状物
    Any long pointed object can be referred to as a spike .

    e.g. Her hair stood out in spikes.
    e.g. ...a long spike of white flowers.

3. (价格、数量的)突然上升,剧增
    If there is a spike in the price, volume, or amount of something, the price, volume, or amount of it suddenly increases.

    e.g. Although you'd think business would have boomed during the war, there was only a small spike in interest.

4. (跑步运动员穿的)钉鞋,跑鞋
    Spikes are a pair of sports shoes with pointed pieces of metal attached to the soles. They help runners' feet to grip the ground when they are running.


5. 偷偷往(饮料中)搀烈性酒(或毒品)
    If your drink is spiked, someone has added alcohol or drugs to it without telling you.

    e.g. They wondered whether their drinks had been spiked.
    e.g. ...drinks spiked with tranquillisers.

6. see also: spiked

spike 单语例句

1. A fourth prisoner died after suffering fatal injuries after he was impaled on a metal spike when he attempted to climb the fence.

2. The center has seen a spike this year in the number of weakened and malnourished sea lions found along the Northern California coast.

3. The hurricane caused a further spike in energy prices due to widespread shutdowns of oil and natural gas facilities in the Gulf Coast region.

4. The unexpected spike in temperatures has got Beijing all hot under the collar, gearing up for a summer of love.

5. It is conceivable that Thursday's spike will mark an intermediate term top in the oil market and prices will drift lower over the following days.

6. They have been using a recent spike in violence to condemn the Syrian government and have stepped up pressure on Damascus.

7. Congress also recently restored an extended unemployment benefits program, which can sometimes spike claims.

8. Consumer prices in China are expected to grow by 4 per cent this year, the highest spike since 1997.

9. Developing countries say high US subsidies squeeze their farmers out of the market, reducing food supplies and contributing to the recent spike in prices.

10. The anticipated rise in corn farming - and expected crowding out of other crops - has helped create yet another spike in grain prices.

spike 英英释义


1. sports equipment consisting of a sharp point on the sole of a shoe worn by athletes

    e.g. spikes provide greater traction

2. a large stout nail

    e.g. they used spikes to fasten the rails to a railroad tie

3. any holding device consisting of a rigid, sharp-pointed object

    e.g. the spike pierced the receipts and held them in order

    Synonym: spindle

4. a long, thin sharp-pointed implement (wood or metal)

    e.g. one of the spikes impaled him

5. a sharp-pointed projection along the top of a fence or wall (or a dinosaur)

6. each of the sharp points on the soles of athletic shoes to prevent slipping (or the shoes themselves)

    e.g. the second baseman sharpened his spikes before every game
           golfers' spikes damage the putting greens

7. a very high narrow heel on women's shoes

    Synonym: spike heelstiletto heel

8. a transient variation in voltage or current

9. a sharp rise followed by a sharp decline

    e.g. the seismograph showed a sharp spike in response to the temblor

10. (botany) an indeterminate inflorescence bearing sessile flowers on an unbranched axis

11. fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn

      Synonym: earcapitulum



1. manifest a sharp increase

    e.g. the voltage spiked

2. add alcohol to (beverages)

    e.g. the punch is spiked!

    Synonym: lacefortify

3. bring forth a spike or spikes

    e.g. my hyacinths and orchids are spiking now

    Synonym: spike out

4. secure with spikes

5. pierce with a sharp stake or point

    e.g. impale a shrimp on a skewer

    Synonym: transfiximpaleempale

6. stand in the way of

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