
spiritless是什么意思 spiritless在线翻译 spiritless什么意思 spiritless的意思 spiritless的翻译 spiritless的解释 spiritless的发音 spiritless的同义词

spiritless [ˈspɪrɪtləs]  ['spɪrɪtləs] 

spiritless 基本解释

形容词死气沉沉; 无精打采的; 蔫; 打不起精神来

spiritless 反义词


spiritless 网络解释

1. 无精打采的:spiritism 招魂术 | spiritless 无精打采的 | spiritoso 活泼的

2. 萎/无生气的/沮丧的/无生命的/没精打采的:spiritism /招魂术/ | spiritless /萎/无生气的/沮丧的/无生命的/没精打采的/ | spiritoso /有精神的/活泼的/

3. 无精神:purposely: 刻意 | spiritless: 无精神 | inspiration: 灵感

4. spiritless的解释

4. 无生气的, 无生命的, 沮丧的 (形):spiritedness 有精神; 勇敢; 活泼 (名) | spiritless 无生气的, 无生命的, 沮丧的 (形) | spirits of wine 酒精

spiritless 双语例句

1. Really very repugnant such, spiritless, likes crying, also easy to rely on others', is a friend cries insect's tear this love to dry, then leaves, sees this love to cry insect's tear fermentation to come out, always that likes showing off power, then likes camouflaging, then that wants no longer to go to think that -- that each pain spot is affecting the tear nerve......Wants to be busy diligently oneself, does not have the time to think, so long as but a free time, is at present slightly Man Man the form interweaves, overlaps in the same place, has smiles, has the vitality, has happily......Only, does not have the sound, in that kind of silent darkness, does not have a sound, only has a mind in the speech, is calling, is shouting, bit by bit, the tear falls from the corner of the eye......

2. Other overcoats look spiritless, only this coat astrut. thin black pashm with pliability and puff, this double fastener coat hasn't put on, looks save many years in the flat tour box of Heny's.

3. The life looks like me teacher, while teaches me to live principle, also lets me write down the growth diary in the heart, it let me understand anything was the life completely -- pursues the academic honor benefits of rank and salary, was not enjoys luxuriously, was not the escape, was not spiritless, but was must smile to the life.

4. spiritless

4. I was so spiritless at last time, i told u, i lost my way, actually, the reason was so funny, i just wanted to buy some cakes. i saw the shop when i took a taxi, i was reckless to get out, and after shopping, i knew it's nearby my friend's house, i believed i can find the way, but u know, i think i should not believe..
    都怪某付和我讲了,周天约出来溜上一溜,哈哈哈哈,我和此女神经的一面出奇的相似,某人找了个在韩国熏陶了6年的男人,交往不到一周,说要领证,然后,我小虎躯一震,脱口而出,what the hell is wrong with u?

5. Rendered spiritless by the ill-success of all their endeavours, he had yielded to his brother-in-law's intreaty that he would return to his family, and leave it to him to do whatever occasion might suggest to be advisable for continuing their pursuit.

6. Rendered spiritless by the ill-success of all their endeavours, he had yielded to his brother-in-law's entreaty that he would return to his family, and leave it to him to do whatever occasion might suggest to be advisable for continuing their pursuit.

7. A gray toad is hopping along on soggy putrid mud. Under the spiritless rain net of autumn, he is the only living creature full of life and celebration.

8. In the sentiment a spiritless person time is always deceiving itself.....

9. spiritless的解释

9. I know that one day my body will be lying somewhere, completely spiritless after i die.
    to be continued)然而,我却很想知道,他这个早上到底是怎样过的?

10. The sister-in-law said that, she has not seen the spiritless father to be such firm the powerful quantity!

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. He`s got a lot of tricks. He shoots, dribbles, but never feels spiritless.

12. A lazy man`s life is dull and spiritless. While in life he is lifeless.

13. Present, I have been short once naive and loss, many growth wisdom and steady, was short has been full of vigor impetuously with facing challenge spiritless, has learned levelly and confidently facing the life.

14. The old man seemed deject ed and spiritless.

15. In our losses, it seems like we play listlessly and spiritless.

16. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

16. I know that one day my body will be lying somewhere, completely spiritless after I die.

17. When a t l a st I showed him out on the quarter -deck he drew a long, spiritless sight.

18. The child used to be lively, why does he seem so spiritless today?

19. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

19. She was annoyingly lackadaisical and impractical; a...lackadaisical, spiritless young man-about-town- P. G. Wodehouse.

20. spiritless的意思

20. They were too spiritless even to resist.

spiritless 词典解释

1. 没精打采的;垂头丧气的
    If someone is spiritless, they lack energy, courage, and liveliness.

    e.g. They were too spiritless even to resist.

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