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splaying 基本解释

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splaying 网络解释

1. 端间隙:splayfoot 八字脚 | splaying 端间隙 | splayingarch 喇叭形拱

splaying 双语例句

1. The simulated results show that, the splaying separation piers have good effect on improving the flow conditions in the researched fore-bay with large divergent angle.

2. This system can be used for data acquisition, analysis, di splaying, saving and printing.

3. splaying的意思

3. Our hunger destroyed, splaying time like fingers

4. Because of its super size and high strength, during fitting and welding after preheating, splaying crack in the penstocks occurred.

5. The splaying stack of slabs creates big terraces for gardening and the irregular shape allows sun to enter from multiple angles.

6. splaying的意思

6. The trusses—premanufactured braces held together with metal connection plates—are there to keep the roof from splaying.

7. Some factors affecting splaying angle of the bar during three-strand slitting rolling

8. In this article, authors introduce the monitoring method of splaying amount of joints of segments and make simulative analysis with the beam joint non continuous model.

9. splaying

9. Analysis of Splaying Amount of Joints of Segments of Large-diameter Large - curvature Reinforcement Concrete Pushing-pipe

10. splaying的反义词

10. Click Search, the index of com pany names will refre sh di splaying all the companies

11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

11. One of the first measures is to offer good lookout, sharp lookout to see any suspicion craft, also sometimes we put some firewoods splaying outside to avoid approaching of crafts.

12. splaying在线翻译

12. The splaying angle and cambering degree of upper three leaves were little; the ratio of length to width of flag leaves was 12 ∶ 1; and the leaf area index at anthesis stage was about 3.5.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. When she finally achieves this feat, she says loudly:'You're the best cook!'while splaying her arms out wide.

14. splaying

14. The Splaying on Perturbation of Matrix Eigenvalues and a New Kind of Relative Efficiency

15. The results show that swimming with fingers holding together provides higher propulsive efficiency than swimming with fingers splaying at various angles of attack.

16. splaying什么意思

16. The results show that the forces caused by pressure difference are the major part of the propulsive forces, swimming with fingers holding together provides higher propulsive efficiency than swimming with fingers splaying when the angle of attack is 90 °.

17. On gross inspection, the stump of the resected vagus nerve could be identified, with nerve bundles splaying over the tumor surface.

splaying 单语例句


1. Located in a dim and shallow niche, the statue looks like a giant gilded peacock splaying its extravagant feathers.

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