
spoke是什么意思 spoke在线翻译 spoke什么意思 spoke的意思 spoke的翻译 spoke的解释 spoke的发音 spoke的同义词 spoke的反义词 spoke的例句

spoke [spəʊk]  [spoʊk] 


spoke 基本解释

名词轮辐; (车轮的)辐条; 破坏某人的计划; 阻挠某人的行动

动词说; 讲,谈( speak的过去式 ); 演说; 从某种观点来说

spoke 相关例句


1. He put a spoke in our wheel.

spoke 情景对话

Speak up-(大声说话)

A:I thought I was speaking English fairly well. Now I'm not so sure.

B:What did you say?


A:I said I thought I spoke pretty good English.But people keep asking me to repeat what I've said. So maybe I'm not doing so well after all.

B:There's nothing wrong with your English.It's just that no one can hear what you're saying.

A:Is that what's wrong? But I think it's impolite to talk loudly.


B:You don't have to shout, but you do have to make yourself heard.Maybe Americans talk louder than other people.If so, you'll just have to speak louder,too.

spoke 网络解释

1. 辐条:Eco//07折叠车的每个轮子由6部分组成,每个连接点都有两个枢轴(pivot)相互连接,每个辐条(spoke)都可以随轮毂一起折叠,从而使整个车轮很方便的被折叠起来.

2. 轮辐:从中央运输蛋白向外伸出8个轮辐(spoke)并与核孔复合物的细胞核面的核质环(nucleoplamic ring)和细胞质面的胞质环(cytoplasmic ring)相连. 在胞质环的表面常有8个细胞质颗粒位于其上, 而核质环上有细纤丝伸向核质,核定位信号的受体蛋白,

3. 钢丝:通常有几个东西要找齐:轮圈(rim)、钢丝(spoke)、铜头(nipple)和花毂(Hub). 如果你手上有编轮工具.......或者你请人手编,搜集了这几样喜欢零件款式和颜色,就可以动手进行了. 其实国外有很多编轮分享,大致上找到方法不难,

4. 辐:核质环:内环,位于核质面一侧,环上也有8条对称的细长纤维,向核内伸入,纤维末端形成直径60nm小环,由8个颗粒构成--捕鱼笼( fish-trap)或核篮( nuclearbasket辐:(spoke)柱状亚单位(column subunit)腔内亚单位(luminal subunit)

spoke 词典解释


2. (车轮的)辐条
    The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.

spoke 单语例句

1. Zhou said the woman spoke fluent Japanese language and was almost the same age as her husband who said he was in business.

2. The Chinese vice premier also spoke highly of the progress made by the two sides in bilateral business and trade relations in recent years.

3. Erdogan spoke on Saturday with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon by telephone, agreeing to cooperate in the fight on terrorism.

4. But the representatives were unable to obtain safe transport into the city and instead spoke by telephone with Iraqi figures.

5. Zhang says he and other newspaper colleagues at the interview were overwhelmed by the way Niu spoke.

6. Clinton spoke on the eve of the delegate roll call in which both she and Obama will be nominated for president.

7. The British press spoke in praise of the spectacular Beijing Olympics opening ceremony unanimously, calling it the best ever and a stunning display of China's rising confidence.

8. Chen said the two spoke candidly and established a lot of common ground, though the two sides have different opinions on certain issues.

9. Tse's children also spoke on their father's behalf, pleading that their father had been careless but now was repentant.

10. The officials spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the case.

spoke 英英释义



1. one of the crosspieces that form the steps of a ladder

    Synonym: rundlerung

2. support consisting of a radial member of a wheel joining the hub to the rim

    Synonym: wheel spokeradius

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