
spots是什么意思 spots在线翻译 spots什么意思 spots的意思 spots的翻译 spots的解释 spots的发音 spots的同义词 spots的反义词 spots的例句

spots [spɒts]  [spɒts] 


spots 基本解释

斑点;地点( spot的名词复数 );少量;污迹;

spots 网络解释

1. spots是什么意思

1. 置球点:再加上两个袋口,在左右咕o臣各自的中间点,又称为中袋(center pockets)(d) 发球线及发球区(Baulk-line and Baulk)(f) 置球点(Spots)(ii) 中心点(Centre Spot)是位于顶咕o臣与底咕o臣之间最中央的一点,又称为蓝球点(Blue Spot).

2. 斑点:小红斑首度在2000年时出现,当时哈柏太空望远镜(Hubble)和其他望远镜观测到三个比较小的斑点(spots)合并而成小红斑(下图为1997~2000年间哈柏拍摄到的合并过程).

3. 插播广告:特技 special effects | 插播广告 spots | 剥版 stripping

4. 花点布:hand-made:手制的 | spots:花点布 | lastest design:最新设计

5. spots:satellite positioning and tracking system; 卫星定位和跟踪系统

spots 单语例句

1. Many qualified workers are needed to fill spots in the rapidly expanding financial sector, particularly within the personal wealth management business.

2. They established several camping areas in the major scenic spots and rented out tents to interested tourists wanting to spend a night in the mountains.

3. Bans on certain fish or " hot spots " can help, but they often are impractical.

4. Net profit is expected to climb this year amid a rebound in China's capital markets, one of the few bright spots globally.

5. Carolina and the Rangers now hold the final two playoff spots after their wins, with the Islanders losing in Florida and Montreal beating Toronto in a shootout.

6. There are plenty of other fascinating spots with open day activities to carry on from Guozijian Street.

7. The provincial price bureau requires all provincial scenic areas to carry out national and provincial policies on preferential entrance tickets for scenic spots.

8. Stalwarts John Williamson and Johnny Cash feature in the next five spots.

9. The administration will also assist the Bank of China in installing more cash machines at scenic spots.

10. Catherine Zeta Jones nor Julia Roberts were in the other two Oceans and have not signed up to claim their spots.

spots 英英释义


1. spots before the eyes caused by opaque cell fragments in the vitreous humor and lens

    e.g. floaters seem to drift through the field of vision

    Synonym: musca volitansmuscae volitantesfloater

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