
spraying是什么意思 spraying在线翻译 spraying什么意思 spraying的意思 spraying的翻译 spraying的解释 spraying的发音 spraying的同义词

spraying ['spreɪɪŋ]  ['spreɪɪŋ] 


spraying 基本解释


动词喷( spray的现在分词 ); 向…扫射(或抛洒),往…上撒; 尤指雄猫撒尿(以示领地占有)

spraying 网络解释

1. spraying在线翻译

1. 喷涂:1、刷涂(Brushing)2、浸涂(Dipping)3、喷涂(Spraying)废旧橡胶的回收利用一直是材料研究领域中的一个重要研究课题,随着我国汽车工业的迅猛发展,汽车轮胎的回收利用不仅对环境保护做贡献,而且合理的再利用,节约了能耗资源,

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 喷射:最常用的涂敷方式有喷射(spraying)和发泡(foaming)两种. 所用液态钎剂的粘度、体积、喷嘴处的气压和涂敷速度等是这一流程的重要工艺参数. 预热流程的目的是将温度提升至已涂敷钎剂的活性温度,并促进钎剂中挥发性物质的挥发以免在后续焊接过程中形成气孔、钎料球等缺陷.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 喷雾法:铝,锌压铸品(Zinc Die-cast) 热浸零件或其它金属合金也有被铬酸盐处理的.一般采用简单没 (immersion)在铬酸盐水溶液中但也有用喷雾法(spraying),刷洗法(brushing)或电解法(electrolytic method).磷酸盐处理是将金属基材(metal

4. 喷漆法:喷射铸造法;注射成形法 injection moulding | 喷漆法 spraying | 增强剂 reinforcing agent

spraying 单语例句

1. His technique involves softening the gum with a blowtorch, spraying it with lacquer then applying three coats of acrylic enamel.

2. This comes as China is investigating claims into reports that vegetable sellers are spraying cabbage with formaldehyde to keep it fresh.

3. Police said the man was arrested Sunday night after spraying a group outside The Front Room restaurant protesting what they call labor violations.

4. A worker was spraying medicinal liquid onto the canoe, and the strong smell spread throughout the building.

5. At the Tianyuan Chemical Industry Plant in Jiangbei District where the chlorine leak occurred, firemen were still spraying sodium hydroxide liquid to neutralize the chlorine gas.

6. Firefighters spent Friday night and Saturday spraying sodium hydroxide liquid in the plant to neutralize the chlorine gas.

7. He said the city's health workers were spraying the disaster with disinfectant to protect from diseases spread by the corpses.

8. Li said many Chinese farmers even defy common sense by spraying pesticides on their vegetables before they take them to market.

9. She also admitted agreeing to launch the perfume after spraying it on her and asking people who eventually gave compliments.

10. Workers with fogging machines mounted on bicycles also went through congested neighborhoods spraying clouds of pesticide to kill mosquito larvae.

spraying 英英释义



1. the dispersion of fungicides or insecticides or fertilizer on growing crops (often from a low-flying aircraft)

    Synonym: crop-dusting

2. the application of a liquid in the form of small particles ejected from a sprayer

3. a quantity of small objects flying through the air

    e.g. a spray of bullets

    Synonym: spray

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