
spurious是什么意思 spurious在线翻译 spurious什么意思 spurious的意思 spurious的翻译 spurious的解释 spurious的发音 spurious的同义词

spurious [ˈspjʊəriəs]  [ˈspjʊriəs] 

spurious 基本解释

形容词假的,伪造的; 欺骗性的,谬误的; 私生的; 赝

spurious 网络解释

1. spurious的解释

1. 假的:此外;关连的标准(dependency criteria)没有良好的定义或维护往往导致假的(spurious)更新,而这些可能难以追踪. 这个问题由于简单的更新协议没有提供有关被观察对象详细的改变内容而更形恶化. 没有附加的通信协议协助观察者找到改变的部分,

2. spurious的解释

2. 伪造的:假冒的,伪造的(spurious) ] adj. 放荡不羁的,波希米亚的 n.吉普赛人 (记)源自波希米亚(该地居住着不同于世俗生活方式的吉卜赛人) ] adj. 吵闹的(noisily turbulent) 吵闹的◆ 安静的 boisterous [ (类)boisterous ◆ quiet (同)vociferous,

3. 假:使处理器以最快的速度执行指令嵌入式Flash控制器,异常中断(Abort)状态及未对齐(Misalignment) 检测可以通过软件进行电源优化,包括慢速时钟模式( 低至500 Hz)和空闲(Idle)模式两个外部中断源和一个快速中断源,可以防止虚假(spurious)中断12位受预设值

4. 虚假:使处理器以最快的速度执行指令嵌入式Flash控制器,异常中断(Abort)状态及未对齐(Misalignment)检测可以通过软件进行电源优化,包括慢速时钟模式(低至500 Hz)和空闲(Idle)模式两个外部中断源和一个快速中断源,可以防止虚假(spurious)中断12位受预设值

spurious 词典解释

1. 形似而实非的;虚假的;伪造的
    Something that is spurious seems to be genuine, but is false.


    e.g. He was arrested in 1979 on spurious corruption charges...
    e.g. Quite a lot of allegations of misjustice are spurious.

2. (论点、推理)不正确的,站不住脚的
    A spurious argument or way of reasoning is incorrect, and so the conclusion is probably incorrect.

    e.g. ...a spurious framework for analysis...
    e.g. The justification of this chart is entirely spurious.

These figures were often spuriously computed by selecting particularly favorable sample groups.
...a spuriously scientific book.

spurious 单语例句

1. Not surprisingly this spurious claim drew a great deal of indignation from the Dutch and received no censure in the US.

2. Spurious vaccines are hampering efforts and cast doubt over the effectiveness of the government's control measures.

3. The country's food security authorities have vowed to crack down on companies processing spurious food products and using known brands'labels.

4. The Daily Telegraph of London blamed the EU for spending billions of pounds of British taxpayers'money on spurious projects.

5. But searching cyberspace for the identity of people who post spurious information can be frustrating.

6. In addition to spurious coins, bus operators also receive tokens used by video game players.

7. The new national standard will ensure that such spurious products don't enter the market in the first place.

8. Almost every month, there are some people dying after consuming spurious liquor in the country.

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