
squash是什么意思 squash在线翻译 squash什么意思 squash的意思 squash的翻译 squash的解释 squash的发音 squash的同义词 squash的反义词 squash的例句

squash [skwɒʃ]  [skwɑ:ʃ] 


squash 基本解释


及物动词挤进; 将(某人[某物])压扁; 使沉默; 平定(叛乱等)

不及物动词挤入; 受挤压; 发出挤压声

名词(软式)墙网球; 南瓜小果(主要种类为笋瓜 winter squash 和西葫芦 summer squash); 果汁汽水; 拥挤的人群


squash 相关例句


1. The fruit at the bottom of the box had been squashed.

2. squash的反义词

2. We all squashed into the car.


1. Ripe persimmons squash easily.

2. squash的反义词

2. He managed to squash into the car.


1. squash的反义词

1. Five people in this car is a bit of a squash.

squash 网络解释

1. squash

1. 压碎:生物竞赛奖应该算是比较好拿的了,高中五科竞赛里面应该就生物...至于实验,你不需提前准备,如果进到实验考试,暑假陕西省会专门集训的,能进到这个里面基本一等奖已经没问题了...A.细胞学方法 1.浸软(maceration)和压碎(squash)的技术 2.涂抹(

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 挤压:'伸拉'还是以它独特的魅力成为一种常用动画技法之一沿袭下来. 那么伸拉的相反--挤压(squash)也顺理成章的成为常用技法. 在某个物体撞上另一个物体的时候常用(当然不是只有这么个用).

squash 词典解释

1. 压扁;压坏;压碎
    If someone or something is squashed, they are pressed or crushed with such force that they become injured or lose their shape.

    e.g. Robert was lucky to escape with just a broken foot after being squashed against a fence by a car...
    e.g. Whole neighbourhoods have been squashed flat by shelling...

2. 使…挤进;把…塞进
    If people or things are squashed into a place, they are put or pushed into a place where there is not enough room for them to be.

    e.g. There were 2000 people squashed into her recent show...
    e.g. The stage is squashed into a small corner of the field.

3. 拥挤
    If you say that getting a number of people into a small space is a squash, you mean that it is only just possible for them all to get into it.

    e.g. It all looked a bit of a squash as they squeezed inside the small hatchback.

4. 镇压;压制;粉碎
    If you squash something that is causing you trouble, you put a stop to it, often by force.


    e.g. The troops would stay in position to squash the first murmur of trouble.

5. 壁球
    Squash is a game in which two players hit a small rubber ball against the walls of a court using rackets.


6. 果汁饮料(通常为浓缩瓶装,饮时掺水)
    Squash is a drink made from fruit juice, sugar, and water. Squash is sold in bottles in a concentrated form to which you add water.

    e.g. ...a glass of orange squash.

7. 番瓜类蔬菜
    A squash is one of a family of vegetables that have thick skin and soft or firm flesh inside.


squash 单语例句

1. A pumpkin is actually a squash, and the lovely butternut pumpkin is actually a winter weather variety.

2. Malaysian top seed and world No 1 Nicol Ann Davis won her third Asian Games gold medal by claiming the women's individual squash crown.

3. Local media is optimistic that the nine gold target could be achieved with squash and cycling likely to bring three more.

4. Squash peas onto the back of your fork rather than scooping them up from an upturned fork.

5. Melons come from the same gourd family as squash and cucumbers, but they are considered a fruit because of their sweetness.

6. There are plenty of vegetables and mushrooms to choose from and the golden squash puree with almond is a really good dessert.

7. Face perspiring with aggression and gripping the racket tightly, she moves swiftly across the squash court.

8. He added that currently there were only two or three licensed squash coaches in the city as the sport started quite late in the country.

9. It was also pretty, with large polka dots of the squash covering the surface.

10. You can also buy smaller wedges of the squash if you don't feel like eating pumpkin seven days in a row.

squash 英英释义


1. a game played in an enclosed court by two or four players who strike the ball with long-handled rackets

    Synonym: squash racquetssquash rackets

2. edible fruit of a squash plant
    eaten as a vegetable

3. any of numerous annual trailing plants of the genus Cucurbita grown for their fleshy edible fruits

    Synonym: squash vine


1. to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition

    e.g. crush an aluminum can
           squeeze a lemon

    Synonym: crushsquelchmashsqueeze

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