
stacked是什么意思 stacked在线翻译 stacked什么意思 stacked的意思 stacked的翻译 stacked的解释 stacked的发音 stacked的同义词 stacked的反义词

stacked [stækt]  [stækt] 


stacked 基本解释

动词堆积( stack的过去式和过去分词 )

stacked 网络解释

1. 书店丽人:当地时间5月19日,花花女郎帕米拉.安德森(左) 与情景喜剧<<书店丽人>>(Stacked)的演员Marissa Jaret Winokur一同参加FOX电视台05/06年度新剧展示会.

2. stacked什么意思

2. 堆栈:这两颗芯片可以用堆栈(Stacked)或并排(Side by side)方式来进行封装. 采用先进LGA封装的ST加速度计芯片只有3×5×1.0mm,此尺寸已相当适合小型化手持设备的使用.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 二叠分:3 Bottom Split底部三分 | 2 Stacked二叠分 | 2 Side By Side二平分

4. 堆迭的:stacked type regulator 单元组合式调节器 | stacked 堆迭的 | stacker crane 码垛机

5. stacked:stkd; 堆叠

stacked 词典解释

1. 堆满了…的
    If a place or surface is stacked with objects, it is filled with piles of them.


    e.g. Shops in Ho Chi Minh City are stacked with goods.
    e.g. ...his house has 20 rooms stacked with paintings.
           他的房子里有 20 个房间堆满了画。

stacked 单语例句

1. This spacious, bustling mall houses 80 stores stacked with inexpensive gowns that sparkle under the bright lights.

2. She replaced it with one of the chairs stacked outside the cafeteria, as they looked the same to her.

3. At the Port Charlotte airport, small planes were stacked and snapped apart like toys cast off by an angry child.

4. And while Ancelotti admits the odds remain stacked against his team, he insists there could be more twists and turns before the season reaches its climax.

5. Melamine foam has a distinctive structure composed of stacked bubble shapes, which are extremely hard and therefore can easily clean a wide variety of substances.

6. Condom boxes are stuck to the glass doors of the tiny store, the walls are painted pink and shelves are stacked with condoms from across Asia.

7. Street vendors can be seen on many street corners with their flat bed tricycles stacked with copycat publications.

8. In the Depot area innovative products that make life in the city better will be on display in 90 boxes stacked along the walls.

9. At least 82 vessels sank in huge seas and fishing boats were stacked like driftwood on shore roads.

10. The pavilion is enclosed by traditional stacked wooden fences with lattice windows, whose colors will change from time to time under sunshine.

stacked 英英释义


1. (of a woman's body) having a large bosom and pleasing curves

    e.g. Hollywood seems full of curvaceous blondes
           a curvy young woman in a tight dress

    Synonym: bosomybustybuxomcurvaceouscurvyfull-bosomedsonsiesonsyvoluptuouswell-endowed

2. arranged in a stack

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