
stale是什么意思 stale在线翻译 stale什么意思 stale的意思 stale的翻译 stale的解释 stale的发音 stale的同义词 stale的反义词 stale的例句

stale [steɪl]  [stel] 


stale 基本解释

形容词陈腐的; 不新鲜的; 走了味的

动词变陈旧; 变得不新鲜; (牛马、骆驼等)撒尿


stale 同义词


stale 反义词


stale 网络解释

1. 不新鲜的:如果浏览器缓冲或者其他的缓冲没有足够的信息表明其是新鲜的,则系统就会产生警告错误并把这个对象当作过期的或者是不新鲜的(stale). 验证则是某个缓冲检查原始服务器来确认是否有潜在不新鲜的对象的过程. 如果服务器确认某个缓冲对象仍是新鲜的,

2. 陈旧的:为了确定一条响应是保鲜的(fresh)还是陈旧的(stale),我们需要将其保鲜寿命(freshness lifetime)和年龄(age)进行比较. 年龄的计算见13.2.3节,本节讲解怎样计算保鲜寿命,以及判定一个响应是否已经过期. 在下面的讨论中,

3. 旧:陈旧(Stale) 一个应答的年龄已经超过了它的保鲜寿命,就是陈旧的. 语义透明(semantically transparent) 当它的使用除了改善性能外既未影响请求客户机也未影响原服务器时, 高速缓存对于某特定的 应答就是工作于语义透明方式了.当高速缓存语义透明时,

stale 词典解释

1. (食物)不新鲜的,变味的
    Stale food is no longer fresh or good to eat.

    e.g. Their daily diet consisted of a lump of stale bread, a bowl of rice and stale water.

2. (空气、气味)不新鲜的,污浊的
    Stale air or a stale smells is unpleasant because it is no longer fresh.

    e.g. A layer of smoke hung low in the stale air.
    e.g. ...the smell of stale sweat.

3. 厌倦的;腻烦的
    If you feel stale, you are bored because you have no new ideas or enthusiasm for what you are doing.


    e.g. I believe in progression, in taking risks, in never getting stale.

4. (地方、活动或观点)令人厌倦的,缺乏新鲜感的
    If you say that a place, an activity, or an idea is stale, you mean that it has become boring because it is always the same.


    e.g. Her relationship with Mark has become stale...
    e.g. The Government, he said, were sticking to stale ideas.

stale 单语例句


1. The national grain watchdog will tighten market supervision to ban the sale of stale grain for human consumption.

2. The festival is an entertainment event and the mayor's humorous approach to advertising it was better than a dry and stale approach.

3. I think it is because her career sort of continues its gentle glide up, where Guy's has sort of gotten a little bit stale.

4. Vaccines go stale quickly, and small changes in a virus's makeup can render them useless.

5. TV footage shot by an undercover reporter also appeared to show workers adding illegal chemicals in various quantities to the stale buns.

6. Researchers say domestic violence comes from the centuries long stale belief that some hold that men are superior to women.

7. Those stale routes have lost their attraction to consumers, and that makes it more difficult to expand the market.

8. The move is to prevent companies selling stale grain to consumers as food.

9. Small details like bread reflect a restaurant's attitude toward food and sadly Athena's stale bread rolls forewarned of the imminent meal.

10. A baker at a Honey Cake outlet said the company had been recycling stale bread and cakes for about three years.

stale 英英释义


1. urinate, of cattle and horses


1. lacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from age

    e.g. stale bread
           the beer was stale

2. lacking originality or spontaneity
    no longer new

    e.g. moth-eaten theories about race
           stale news

    Synonym: colddustymoth-eaten

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