
standard是什么意思 standard在线翻译 standard什么意思 standard的意思 standard的翻译 standard的解释 standard的发音 standard的同义词

standard [ˈstændəd]  [ˈstændərd] 


standard 基本解释

名词标准,规格; 旗,军旗; 度量衡标准; 直立支柱

形容词标准的,合格的; 普遍的,一般的; 公认为优秀的

standard 情景对话



A:Is this your standard price ?

B:Yes ,it is .

A:It seems too high to me.

B:We can negotiate the unit price for large orders .

Signing a Lease-(签合约)

B:Hi, John.


A:Oh, hi, Mary, come on in. Any problem?

B:Oh, no problem.


A:Great. I forgot to ask you, though. How long did you want the place?
      很好。 还有忘了问你,你想租多久?


B:Six months.

A:Oh, well, that might be a problem. I usually only sign one year leases.

B:Well, one year would be fine, too. I’m not planning on leaving the area anytime soon.

A:Well, if it’s not a problem. Then here you go.

B:Just let me look at it quickly.

A:Of course.

B:Looks like a standard lease.

A:Yeah, and don’t worry about the security deposit. If everything’s all right when you move out, you’ll get it back.

B:O.K. Great. Just sign and date it here?

A:Yes. Thanks. You can move your stuff in tomorrow.



standard 网络解释

1. (标准材质):创建2.1.2 扩展预置模型(Extended Primitives)的创建2.1.3 复合物体(Compound Objects)的建立及参数修改2.1.4 二维物体(Splines)的创建及参数的修改4.1.1 修改命令面板(Modify)概述5.1.2 标准材质(Standard)的组成及参数作用6

2. standard在线翻译

2. 标准 标准:选择有标标 停止三项.低 (low) 设置较标准 标准(standard)设置允许在波形中有更多的伪像.如果准,低和停止低 停止低 标准 你需要监护波形中 60Hz 噪音的 ECG 中,你可能觉得它有助于停止伪像检测.(即使波形存在,

standard 词典解释

1. (尤指合格的)水平,水准
    A standard is a level of quality or achievement, especially a level that is thought to be acceptable.

    e.g. The standard of professional cricket has never been lower...
    e.g. There will be new national standards for hospital cleanliness.

2. (用以衡量质量的)标准,基准
    A standard is something that you use in order to judge the quality of something else.


    e.g. ...systems that were by later standards absurdly primitive.

3. 道德准则;行为规范
    Standards are moral principles which affect people's attitudes and behaviour.

    e.g. My father has always had high moral standards.

4. 普通的;常规的
    You use standard to describe things which are usual and normal.


    e.g. It was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder...
    e.g. No other executive car can offer you the same level of standard equipment at this price.

5. (作品等)受广泛阅读的,最受推崇的,最具权威性的
    A standard work or text on a particular subject is one that is widely read and often recommended.

standard 单语例句

1. The metropolis is working on a campaign to promote the standard Chinese language and characters, which business insiders say will be launched by the end of this year.

2. He said business representatives have expressed concern that English standard in the city has been declining.

3. Aside from the skills and experience factors, another issue is the use of standard business practices and ethics.

4. The diffusion of these innovations into standard business operation may require more than a push from the financial sector.

5. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao encouraged overseas Chinese business people to optimize their investment structure and raise the standard of their investments on the Chinese mainland.

6. Standard Chartered Plc plans to hire 500 employees this year for its wealth management business in Hong Kong.

7. The personal service that Astor demanded set an industry standard, by providing butler services.

8. Shanghai is also planning incentives to encourage motorists to scrape their old cars and buy new ones meeting the national IV standard.

9. Standard Chartered has never ruled out the possibility of buying another domestic bank if it can meet the bank's rigid strategic and financial standards.

10. Medical experts say people cannot get AIDS or any other diseases by giving blood via a standard donation system.

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