
standardized是什么意思 standardized在线翻译 standardized什么意思 standardized的意思 standardized的翻译 standardized的解释 standardized的发音

standardized ['stændədaɪzd]  ['stændədaɪzd] 


standardized 基本解释

标准的,定型的;使合乎规格,使标准化( standardize的过去式和过去分词 );

standardized 网络解释

1. standardized

1. 标准化的:企业提供顾客的是标准化的 (Standardized) 或是客制化(Customized)的产品?专家经济(Expert Economic)提供高度个人化专家知识来解决特殊的问题,每一件案子都具有较高的边际利润. 再使用经济(Reuse Economic)藉由重复使用资料库中的标准知识来解决一般的问题,

2. 标准化:如果这个数据以它的原始状态输入到网络,网络对有较大值的输入将显得更灵敏,由此就会使网络性能 变差.因此,在信息输入到神经网络中去之前,数据应预先定比(scaled)和标准化(standardized), 使它们大小相似(similar).在本特例中,

3. 用标准校验的标准化的:standardize 用标准校验使标准化 | standardized 用标准校验的标准化的 | standardizedcomponent 标准件

4. 标准化残差:(1) Unstandardized 未标准化残差 | (2) Standardized 标准化残差 | (3) Adj-Standardized 校正标准化残差

standardized 单语例句

1. During the event Carrefour presents its standardized food safety control system called the food safety traceable system - to ordinary consumers.

2. Expenses related to carrying out official duties have not been standardized, and extravagance and waste are inflating administrative costs.

3. Under the new regulatory setup, all financial institutions are required to clear their standardized OTC derivatives contracts with CCP.

4. Ostensibly, a machine can produce the standardized yuanxiao that the China General Chamber of Commerce seeks.

5. Villagers use the farm and the milking machine free of charge to raise their own cows in a standardized way.

6. Pharmacists at each store are required to wear standardized electronic check placards that contain their professional information and credit record.

7. Standardized coding allows for more effective electronic purchasing management and will assist with marketing, sales and distribution when commodities are traded internationally.

8. To begin with we need to step out of the comfort zone of standardized testing.

9. Another possibility is that an internationally standardized form of English will facilitate global communication in ways yet unseen.

10. The city will provide Chinese traders necessary assistance and legal aid concerning the placement of their goods and the setting up of a standardized market.

standardized 英英释义


1. capable of replacing or changing places with something else
    permitting mutual substitution without loss of function or suitability

    e.g. interchangeable electric outletsinterchangeable parts

    Synonym: exchangeableinterchangeablesimilarstandardised

2. brought into conformity with a standard

    e.g. standardized education

    Synonym: standardised

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