
starch是什么意思 starch在线翻译 starch什么意思 starch的意思 starch的翻译 starch的解释 starch的发音 starch的同义词 starch的反义词 starch的例句

starch [stɑ:tʃ]  [stɑ:rtʃ] 


starch 基本解释

名词淀粉,含淀粉的食物; 形式主义; 古板,僵硬; 元气

及物动词把(衣服)上浆; 给…上浆; 浆硬; 使僵硬

starch 相关例句


1. He wore a starched cap.


1. starch的意思

1. Their success apparently took the starch out of the opposition.

2. Corn and potatoes contain much starch.

starch 网络解释

1. 澱粉質:食多D蛋糕, 吸收多D淀粉质(Starch)B. 食多D肉, 多D蛋白质(Protein)C. 食多D菜, 多D铁质(Iron)D. 饮多D奶, 多D钙(Calcium)19. [医] 为何患精灵病毒(PokeRus), 唔可以用抗生素(Anti-Biotic)治疗?A. 因为抗生素对病毒(Virus)无效A.

2. starch的解释

2. 粉:(1) 淀粉(starch) 淀粉按多糖链的构造分直链的糖淀粉(amylose)和支链的胶淀粉(amylopectin)两类. 糖淀粉溶于热水呈澄明溶液,遇碘液显深兰色. 胶淀粉溶于热水呈粘胶状,遇碘液显紫色或红紫色. 淀粉主要以淀粉粒的形式存在于植物的根和茎中.

3. starch

3. 澱粉 淀粉:平时我们说的淀粉是马铃薯粉或者是红薯粉 淀粉 淀粉(starch)由许多葡萄糖分子缩合而成的多糖. 有直链和支链两种,直链淀粉由α1,4连接的葡萄糖分子组成,呈线状链,支链淀粉在分支处有α1,6连接,其直链部分也是α1,...

starch 词典解释

1. 淀粉
    Starch is a substance that is found in foods such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice and gives you energy.

    e.g. She reorganised her eating so that she was taking more fruit and vegetables and less starch, salt, and fat.

2. (给布上浆用的)淀粉浆
    Starch is a substance that is used for making cloth stiffer, especially cotton and linen.


3. 给(布)上浆
    If you starch cloth, you make it stiffer using starch.


    e.g. I took down the curtains, washed, and starched them.

starch 单语例句

1. Experts estimate that for Nigeria to meet its current domestic demand for cassava starch, it may need at least 15 to 17 starch plants.

2. At present there are only three to five small and medium scale operational cassava starch or flour factories in Nigeria.

3. Rice is mixed into the fermenting wine for the starch in the cereal to work its magic.

4. Dissolve the corn starch with water and add to the honey and lemon juice.

5. The government is giving tax breaks and financial subsidies to producers of the additive made from fermenting and distilling starch crops.

6. They're also high in coarse fiber but low in fat and starch.

7. The GI for rice varies with grain length and constituent starch type.

8. Ginkgo nuts have a high starch content and are low in fat, with a 30 g portion providing around 30 kcal.

9. Stir up corn flour liquid and add to hot pan, tossing vegetables as you pour in the starch.

10. The layer of residual corn starch or flour will also create a protective layer around the oysters.

starch 英英释义



1. a commercial preparation of starch that is used to stiffen textile fabrics in laundering

2. a complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice
    an important foodstuff and used otherwise especially in adhesives and as fillers and stiffeners for paper and textiles

    Synonym: amylum


1. stiffen with starch

    e.g. starch clothes

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