
start off是什么意思 start off在线翻译 start off什么意思 start off的意思 start off的翻译 start off的解释 start off的发音 start off的同义词

start off [stɑ:t ɔf]  [stɑrt ɔf] 

start off 基本解释

出发; 开始旅行; 以…开始; 迅速跑开

start off 相关例句


1. When shall we start off?

start off 情景对话


start off是什么意思

A:What would you like to drink, Xiao Wang?

start off什么意思

B:Why don’t we start off with a little Mao-tai?

A:Great idea! Catherine, will you join us?

C:I certainly will. The more, the merrier. To your health!

start off

A:To your health!

B:And to yours!

B:Have some of this roast beef and some Yorkshire pudding to go with it. Help yourself to vegetables.

B:This is marvelous. What a wonderful cook you are.

A:Some of the credit should go to me. I made the pudding!



A:We’re looking for a manager to run the new branch office.

B:Where is the branch office?

A:It happens to be very close to your home. We were actually hoping that you might want to fill the position.

B:I’d have to think about it. How many people would I be managing?

A:It will start off small, with only about 10 employees.
      公司刚开始运营时规模比较小,大概有10 名员工。

B:That is quite small.

start off的意思

A:Are you interested?

start off是什么意思

B:I guess. I do like the office I’m working in now, but it would be nice to work closer to my home.

start off的解释

A:Your salary would remain the same, but if you do a good job, I think there’s a possibility of a promotion down the road.

start off


A:Yes. The reason we chose you is because you’re the best manager we have. We need someone who can organize the new office and make it run well.


B:So this isn’t a demotion?


A:Oh, no, it’s quite the opposite!

B:Well then, when should I start?


A:So you’ll do it?


A:Great! We’ll send some people over to move your things tomorrow. You can have a long weekend and then start at your new office on Monday.

start off 网络解释

1. 出发,动身;开始:start from scratch 从头做起,从零开始 | start off 出发,动身;开始 | start up 突然站起,惊起

2. start off的翻译

2. 出发, 开始:944. start for动身去 | 945. start off出发, 开始 | 946. railway station 火车站

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 开始:hang up 挂电话 | start off 开始 | run into 偶然碰见

4. 出发:pay off还清 | start off出发 | show off炫耀

start off 词典解释

1. 从…开始;从…着手
    If you start off by doing something, you do it as the first part of an activity.

start off的翻译

    e.g. She started off by accusing him of blackmail but he more or less ignored her...
    e.g. Joe Loss started off playing piano background music for silent films in the 1920s.
           乔·洛斯先是于 20 世纪 20 年代为无声电影弹奏钢琴背景音乐。

2. 使(某人)开始(做某事)
    To start someone off means to cause them to begin doing something.

start off的解释

    e.g. Her mother started her off acting in children's theatre.

3. 使开始
    To start something off means to cause it to begin.

start off什么意思

    e.g. He became more aware of the things that started that tension off...
    e.g. Best results are obtained by starting the plants off in a warm greenhouse.

4. -> see start 4

start off 单语例句

1. After a slow start, the Velo card business has taken off since the end of 2008.

2. June is usually the start of a slowdown in business travel in Europe as people head off on holidays.

3. But it's hard for Ronnie when we come off stage and have a drink and start buzzing.

4. " Germany is off to an amazing start, " said Chief Executive Officer Carol Meyrowitz on a May 13 conference call.

5. Her desire to carry on skating has forced her to put off plans to start a family.

6. Though Beidou got off to a late start, navigation devices that can receive its signals carry high hopes.

7. But it got off to the worst possible start when Adam Rooney's flick deflected off Charlie Mulgrew for an own goal in the seventh minute.

8. If your driver does start to chew your ear off about the weather, just smile and he will think that you don't understand a word he says.

9. We were off to a good start - it was just down the road, it was squeaky clean and we were attended to straight away.

10. The group got off to a great start and instantly won a lot of publicity.

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