
start on是什么意思 start on在线翻译 start on什么意思 start on的意思 start on的翻译 start on的解释 start on的发音 start on的同义词

start on [stɑ:t ɔn]  [stɑrt ɑn] 

start on 基本解释


start on 相关例句


1. We haven't started on the job yet.

start on 情景对话


start on的解释

A:Now that we’re about to own a house, I think we should get it covered.

B:Yes, I talked with an insurance saleswoman about it yesterday.

A:You did?

B:Sure. She said that once we finalize the sale, we just need to make an appointment with her.

A:How long will it take to get covered?

start on

B:I believe the insurance policy will kick in immediately.

A:That’s great. Did you pick up any brochures.

B:Not yet.

A:Maybe we could start reading up on the different policies now. I heard that many of the homes that were damaged during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans weren’t covered.

B:You’re kidding! Did they have some home insurance or did home insurance just not cover floods?

A:Most of the policies didn’t cover floods.

B:I guess we should make sure to read the fine print very carefully. Shall we go there now?

start on的意思

A:Why not? I have nothing better to do.



A:We’re looking for a manager to run the new branch office.

start on

B:Where is the branch office?

A:It happens to be very close to your home. We were actually hoping that you might want to fill the position.

start on

B:I’d have to think about it. How many people would I be managing?

A:It will start off small, with only about 10 employees.
      公司刚开始运营时规模比较小,大概有10 名员工。

B:That is quite small.

start on是什么意思

A:Are you interested?

start on的解释

B:I guess. I do like the office I’m working in now, but it would be nice to work closer to my home.

start on的翻译

A:Your salary would remain the same, but if you do a good job, I think there’s a possibility of a promotion down the road.



A:Yes. The reason we chose you is because you’re the best manager we have. We need someone who can organize the new office and make it run well.


B:So this isn’t a demotion?

A:Oh, no, it’s quite the opposite!

B:Well then, when should I start?

A:So you’ll do it?

start on是什么意思


A:Great! We’ll send some people over to move your things tomorrow. You can have a long weekend and then start at your new office on Monday.

start on 网络解释

1. start on

1. 开始:start off 出发 | start on 开始 | start out 出发

2. 开始做某事,着手:come into contact with 与...接触;与...交往 | start on 开始做某事,着手 | turn one's back on 转过脸去不理睬某人,避开某人.

3. start on

3. 上路:02. The rock record 石头记 | 03. Start on 上路 | 04. Do you still love me 你还爱我吗

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 转过脸去不理睬某人,避开某人:stare v.凝视 | start on 转过脸去不理睬某人,避开某人 | starvation n.饥饿;饿死

start on 词典解释

1. 开始做(需要做的事)
    If you start on something that needs to be done, you start dealing with it.

    e.g. No need for you to start on the washing-up yet...
    e.g. He has not finished his drama, in fact, he has not started on it.

start on 单语例句

1. June is usually the start of a slowdown in business travel in Europe as people head off on holidays.

2. Canada said it would start evacuating its citizens by sea on Wednesday.

3. The strike was launched just hours before the start of Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.

4. The election campaign for the second round was supposed to start on Friday and end on April 27.

5. Clinton had a big jump start among superdelegates, many of whom have ties to the Clintons and backed her candidacy early on.

6. Banned at the start of the " cultural revolution ", pawn shops were considered a form of capitalist exploitation preying on poor and desperate people.

7. Women's Carnival marks the start of a week of street festivals that reach a high point with mass processions on Rose Monday on February 23.

8. " Germany is off to an amazing start, " said Chief Executive Officer Carol Meyrowitz on a May 13 conference call.

9. Her desire to carry on skating has forced her to put off plans to start a family.

10. Fishermen on frozen Chagan Lake in Jilin province haul in an impressive catch on Thursday at the start of a regional winter festival.

start on是什么意思,start on在线翻译,start on什么意思,start on的意思,start on的翻译,start on的解释,start on的发音,start on的同义词,start on的反义词,start on的例句,start on的相关词组,start on意思是什么,start on怎么翻译,单词start on是什么意思
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