
stay on是什么意思 stay on在线翻译 stay on什么意思 stay on的意思 stay on的翻译 stay on的解释 stay on的发音 stay on的同义词 stay on的反义词

stay on [stei ɔn]  [ste ɑn] 

stay on 基本解释

stay on的近义词


stay on

stay on 相关例句


1. We'll stay on in the village till the autumn harvest is over.

stay on 情景对话


A:Emergency Assistance, may I help you?

B:I've just been robbed. What should I do?

A:Are you injured, sir?

stay on的解释

B:No, no, I'm just a little upset.

A:Please remain calm, sir. Just give me your name and your location.

B:My name is Liu Wei. I am beside Beijing Hotel on Changan Street.

A:Please stay where you are, we'll have a patrol car there in two minutes.

B:OK,thanks a lot.


A:Target company. This is Megan speaking. How may I help you?

stay on的近义词

B:I’d like to speak with Mr.Call, please.
      我想和Call 先生通话。

stay on的近义词

A:May I ask who is speaking, please?

B:This is Mr.Speak.
      我是Speak 先生。

A:Ok, Mr.Speak. Please hold while I transfer you to Mr.Call.
      好的,Speak 先生。你稍等,我帮你转接到Call 先生那里。

B:Thank you.

stay on

A:I’m sorry, his line is busy right now. Would you like to stay on hold?


B:Sure, I can wait.

A:Alright. One moment, please … I’m sorry, his line is still engaged. Would you like to leave a message?.

B:Yes, please.

stay on是什么意思

A:What is your call regarding?

B:An interview.

A:What is your message?

B:Please tell Mr.Call that I won’t be able to make it to the meeting today.
      请你告诉Call 先生今天我不能来会面了。

stay on

A:Anything else?

B:It’d be great if he could call me back this afternoon.

A:At what number shall I have him call you back?

stay on的解释

B:You can give him my office number. It’s 85392053, extension 713.
      你可以给他我的办公室号码,85392053, 分机713。

A:So that’s 85392503, extension 713.

B:Not quite. It’s 05, not 50. It’s 85392053, extension 713.

A:Got it. I’ll have him return your call shortly.

B:Thank you very much.

stay on 网络解释

1. stay on的反义词

1. 存留在:15. disappear from...从......消失 | 16. stay on...存留在...... | 17. show one's quality显现某人的特性

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 继续停留:stay in 在家 | stay on 继续停留 | stay one's hand 住手不干

3. 继续呆下去 ;继续点燃下去 ;继续处于某种状态:30. stay in在家里, 不外出; 课后留在学校里 | 31. stay on继续呆下去 ;继续点燃下去 ;继续处于某种状态 | 32. stay out呆在外, 不在家 ;呆到...的结束

4. 继续上任:National Security Advisor 国家安全顾问 | stay on 继续上任 | delineate 描绘

stay on 词典解释

1. (在别人都已离开或自己打算离开的时间后)继续留下
    If you stay on somewhere, you remain there after other people have left or after the time when you were going to leave.

    e.g. He had managed to arrange to stay on in Adelaide...
    e.g. So few teenage Britons stay on at school, compared with the rest of Europe...

stay on 单语例句

1. As long as people buy the wrong products, such items will stay on the shelves.

2. Bye dismissed the conclusions of his fellow judges, just as he did on April 29 in dissenting against a temporary stay.

3. On Saturday protesters swarmed back into Pearl square putting riot police to flight and confidently setting up camp for a protracted stay.

4. So a weekend stay on the soft and clean beach requires camping equipment and food.

5. The farmers claimed they did not want compensation, and they just want to stay put and carry on with their lives.

6. Catch up on global news and issues, as you like to stay in tune.

7. Chinchilla arrived in Shanghai on Sunday to start her state visit, her first stay in China since taking office in May 2010.

8. If you get tired of the city's hustle and bustle, a few days'stay on Chrysanthemum Island is good choice.

9. Women from China are giving birth in California and getting US citizenship for their newborns, while authorities are cracking down on homes where they stay.

10. Guangdong civil affairs department said in Guangzhou on Thursday that it was considering raising the charge for marriage certificates in an attempt to stay even.

stay on 英英释义


1. continue in a place, position, or situation

    e.g. After graduation, she stayed on in Cambridge as a student adviser
           Stay with me, please
           despite student protests, he remained Dean for another year
           She continued as deputy mayor for another year

    Synonym: staycontinueremain

stay on是什么意思,stay on在线翻译,stay on什么意思,stay on的意思,stay on的翻译,stay on的解释,stay on的发音,stay on的同义词,stay on的反义词,stay on的例句,stay on的相关词组,stay on意思是什么,stay on怎么翻译,单词stay on是什么意思
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