
step up是什么意思 step up在线翻译 step up什么意思 step up的意思 step up的翻译 step up的解释 step up的发音 step up的同义词 step up的反义词

step up [step ʌp]  [stɛp ʌp] 

step up 基本解释

step up在线翻译

走上; (使)增加; (使)加快速度; 走上前去

step up 相关例句


1. You have to step up your pace.

step up 情景对话


A:: Madam, can I help you at all?

step up

B:I hope so. I’m shopping around for computer system with a view to purchasing several.

A:May I ask who you are buying for?

B:ABC company. My name is Dr. Wang.

step up是什么意思

A:Ah, welcome to London, Dr. Wang. We’ve done quite a lot of business with your company in the past, I believe.

B:That’s right.

A:Would you like to step up here for a demonstration? We’ve made improvements since we last did business with you.

B:Later on, perhaps. Right now I’d like to have a good look at your brochure.

step up的解释

A:Certainly. Take as many as you need. Come back any time you’re ready.


step up 网络解释

1. 舞出我人生:本片为2006年大卖座 影片 <<舞出我 人生>>(Step Up)的 续集 . 虽说是续集,可本片在情节上却与前作几乎没有什么联系,片中所有角色来彻底来了个大换血,唯一一点保留前作影子的地方就是故事发生的地点依旧是那个马里兰 艺术学校.

2. 舞出真我:跳舞其实无分国界,一个人跳又得一班人又得,除左能够表达情感之外,配合音乐既舞动节奏,加入街头比斗既切磋舞技形式,电影公司睇到呢类戏种有市场价值,搵埋班又跳得又青春既靓仔靓女主演,所以上集既<<舞出真我>>(Step Up)在港上映都得到唔错既票房反应,

3. <<舞出人生>:几乎在我听过几首作品里,他都将少年的爱情幻化的清新自然,例如当年作为电影<<舞出人生>>(Step Up)主题歌的<<告别>>(Say Goodbye)就是这一类型的典范.

4. 提高,加快,加紧:step in插入,介入 | step up提高,加快,加紧 | stick out伸出,突出;坚持到底,继续

step up 词典解释

1. 增加(数量等);提高(速度、强度等)
    If you step up something, you increase it or increase its intensity.

    e.g. He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aid to Somalia...
    e.g. Security is being stepped up to deal with the increase in violence...

step up 单语例句

1. It is necessary for the government to step up its efforts in working with the business sector to narrow the wealth gap in Hong Kong.

2. Patrons step onto the platform and hit the red button to go up and green to go down.

3. Someone in America needs to act and step up and take responsibility like Shan Jixiang has in China.

4. But the attached logos add value by way of an affordable step up the ladder of social mobility.

5. I'll hike around the canyons, then really step up my cardio.

6. Foot and mouth disease has spread to a second herd of cattle in southern Britain, as experts narrow down the possible source and step up efforts at containment.

7. The MOC has established an imported game products censorship committee in an effort to step up censorship on the content of online games.

8. Authorities will step up measures to shut down substandard organic food businesses, cracking down on illegal activities such as certification misuse and counterfeiting of organic food products.

9. This has sparked a chain reaction within the industry, prompting steelmakers to step up prices to grab part of the profits.

10. Macroeconomic regulatory departments need to step up the change in the way they function.

step up 英英释义


1. increase in extent or intensity

    e.g. The Allies escalated the bombing

    Synonym: escalateintensify

2. speed up

    e.g. let's rev up production

    Synonym: rev up

3. make oneself visible
    take action

    e.g. Young people should step to the fore and help their peers

    Synonym: come to the forestep forwardcome forwardstep to the forecome out

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