
steps是什么意思 steps在线翻译 steps什么意思 steps的意思 steps的翻译 steps的解释 steps的发音 steps的同义词 steps的反义词 steps的例句



steps 基本解释

步骤;步伐;脚步;级别( step的名词复数 );举步,行走,跨步( step的第三人称单数 );离开(along);轻快地走;合着节拍走;


steps 网络解释

1. 台阶:十个月前,我踏上(stood)伊利诺伊州春田市老州旧议会大厦的台阶(steps),开始了一次似乎希望渺茫的征途 改变美国. 但是,通过他(林肯)的意愿(will)和意志(words),通过他的号召和号令,一个国家被撼动了,一个民族被解放了.

2. 舞步:波兰双人舞强调在空间中的自由移动,另一种说法就是,舞蹈表现的体态(figures)远比舞步(steps)的精准来的重要,而它的特点就在于舞曲节拍的转变. 男子的特技动作只能在来自山区的舞蹈中见到. 在波兰舞的剧场表演中,

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 阶梯:他还在编谢尔比.富特(Shelby Foote)那部即将完成的美国内战史里程碑式著作,还有杰尔兹.柯辛斯基(Jerzy Kosinski)的书,他的<<阶梯>>(Steps)获得一九六八年度国家图书奖小说奖.

steps 单语例句

1. Concrete steps have been made for online game industry and business models of search engine service.

2. And it should continue taking steps to encourage individual entrepreneurs in their business operations, as it is often such people who play an important role in creating jobs.

3. State television said President Pervez Musharraf had ordered the provincial government in Karachi to take immediate steps to restore order and act against those responsible.

4. Guangxi Sugar Industry Association is taking steps to continue its efforts to buy up sugar to stop prices from falling in the domestic market.

5. Parts of the forest are made accessible by foot with tracks, steps and little bridges built along the paths.

6. It's close to nine by the time he steps into his apartment and begins to relax.

7. The city wants to quicken its steps towards the international shipping and logistics hub by virtue of the collaboration.

8. The CAAC saw the flight cuts as concrete steps to cool the overheating development of air transport which aggravated flight delays.

9. The cabinet yesterday listed as many as nine steps to increase household income, according to a statement on the reform guidelines posted on its website.

10. " There will be steps taken and they will be very serious, " said Cabinet Minister Yitzhak Herzog.


steps 英英释义


1. a flight of stairs or a flight of steps

    Synonym: stairs

2. the course along which a person has walked or is walking in

    e.g. I followed in his steps
           he retraced his steps
           his steps turned toward home

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