
sterile是什么意思 sterile在线翻译 sterile什么意思 sterile的意思 sterile的翻译 sterile的解释 sterile的发音 sterile的同义词 sterile的反义词

sterile [ˈsteraɪl]  [ˈsterəl] 

sterile 基本解释

形容词无菌的; 不毛的,贫瘠的; 不生育的; 无效果的

sterile 反义词


sterile 相关例句


1. sterile的近义词

1. He had learnt early in his marriage that he was sterile.

2. sterile

2. The doctor kept his instruments sterile.

3. The negotiations proved to be sterile.

sterile 网络解释

1. sterile的解释

1. 无菌:CIC并不要求完全的无菌(sterile)状态,只要清洁即可. 菌尿是否真正有伤害最重要是患者是否同时有膀胱输尿管逆流的问题. VUR之存在,菌尿造成发烧、肾炎、肾受损之机会大增,但单纯的菌尿本身并没有太大的伤害,甚至不必服用抗生素.

2. 灭菌的,消毒的:sterilamp 灭菌灯 | sterile 灭菌的,消毒的 | sterile chamber 无菌容器,灭菌室

sterile 词典解释

1. 消过毒的;无菌的
    Something that is sterile is completely clean and free from germs.


    e.g. He always made sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings...
    e.g. Urine is sterile.

...the antiseptic sterility of the hospital.

2. 无生殖能力的;不育的
    A person or animal that is sterile is unable to have or produce babies.


    e.g. George was sterile.
    e.g. ...a sterile male.

This disease causes sterility in both males and females.

3. 无生气的;缺乏新意的
    A sterile situation is lacking in energy and new ideas.

    e.g. Too much time has been wasted in sterile debate.

...the sterility of Dorothea's life in industry.

sterile 单语例句

1. Wine and patients are also both treated in a clean, sterile environment and their progress is followed meticulously.

2. Under existing guidelines for labeling registered pharmaceutical products, sterile pharmaceutical products are required to make a clear declaration if they contain preservatives.

3. The place was sterile and the daily commute to work in the city centre was a torturous journey through seemingly impenetrable traffic jams.

4. Sitting in a sterile lab wearing white overalls, the " olfactory discriminator " takes a good whiff from a transparent plastic bag.

5. Doctors diagnosed Wang with a series of gynecological diseases that could leave her sterile.

6. A kit contains sterile compresses that can be used to cover a skin cut before it is bandaged.

7. Releasing sterile male mosquitoes is one way to control reproduction of the insects.

8. But even these scraps of originality are being washed over with a layer of sterile white paint.

9. Cheng married Qiu in 1998 and agreed to artificial insemination after he was found to be sterile.

10. Outfitted in sterile protective clothing, the DNA experts were busy conducting analyses throughout the day.

sterile 英英释义


1. deficient in originality or creativity
    lacking powers of invention

    e.g. a sterile ideology lacking in originality
           unimaginative development of a musical theme
           uninspired writing

    Synonym: unimaginativeuninspireduninventive

2. incapable of reproducing

    e.g. an infertile couple

    Synonym: unfertileinfertile

3. free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms

    e.g. a sterile operating area
           aseptic surgical instruments
           aseptic surgical techniques

    Synonym: aseptic

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