
stew是什么意思 stew在线翻译 stew什么意思 stew的意思 stew的翻译 stew的解释 stew的发音 stew的同义词 stew的反义词 stew的例句 stew的相关词组

stew [stju:]  [stu:] 


stew 基本解释

及物/不及物动词炖,煨; 闷热; 担忧

名词炖煮的菜肴; 烦恼,焦虑

stew 相关例句


1. stew什么意思

1. We stewed the tomatoes with peppers.

2. stew

2. She was so stewed up with anxiety that she couldn't sleep.


1. She is all in a stew over her lost suitcase.

2. She has been stewing over this thing all night.


1. The bus has not come, and she is in a stew, for fear she will be late.

2. We had beef stew for lunch.

stew 网络解释

1. 烩:常用于海鲜的烹调方法主要有 (Au Gratin):热量由上向下使食物表面焦黄;清煮(Boil):加香料和葡萄酒(Wine)在上汤(或水)中煮熟;焖 (Braise):将切成块的海鲜加香料、调味品和葡萄酒在不多的水中小火煮成;炸(Deep Fried烩(Stew),与焖(Braise)相似,

2. 炖肉:cutlet 肉条 | stew 炖肉 | roast 烤肉

stew 词典解释

1. 炖煮的菜肴
    A stew is a meal which you make by cooking meat and vegetables in liquid at a low temperature.

    e.g. She served him a bowl of beef stew...
    e.g. They made a stew.

2. 炖;煨;焖
    When you stew meat, vegetables, or fruit, you cook them slowly in liquid in a closed dish.

    e.g. Stew the apple and blackberries to make a thick pulp.
    e.g. ...stewed prunes.

3. 深感不安的;焦虑的;担心的
    If you are in a stew, you feel very worried.


    e.g. He's been in a stew since early this morning...
    e.g. Highly charged emotions have you in a stew.

4. (故意)让…独自烦恼(而不加劝慰)
    If you let a person stew or if you leave them to stew, you deliberately allow them to worry about something for a while, rather than telling them something which would make them feel better.

    e.g. I'd rather let him stew...
    e.g. Leave them to stew in their own juice.

stew 单语例句

1. The diligent chef normally starts preparing stew pot soup at 5 am, putting all materials together with some ginger slices and cooking wine into a pot.

2. If your fire is not strong, the mushrooms will just stew in the pan and release all their juices.

3. Alice was ignoring the simple plate of potato and pumpkin stew sitting in front of her on the restaurant table.

4. They include chicken soup with American ginseng and wild mushroom, and beef tendon stew with apricot and Chinese wild yam.

5. Ordering in a Shaxian snacks restaurant never takes long - and for stew pot soup especially.

6. A lentil salad with apples also helps break down alcohol, as does a traditional cabbage stew.

7. There are also between ten and twenty medicinal herbs meticulously prepared, making the stew both delicious and nutritious.

8. This is a stew with everything meat, eggs and a sauce that is delicious dribbled over sweet potato porridge.

9. The Japanese don't immediately come to mind as purveyors of the spicy stew.

10. Another stew was the huang men ji, and it too tasted of life at home.


stew 英英释义


1. food prepared by stewing especially meat or fish with vegetables

2. agitation resulting from active worry

    e.g. don't get in a stew
           he's in a sweat about exams

    Synonym: fretsweatlatherswither



1. cook slowly and for a long time in liquid

    e.g. Stew the vegetables in wine

2. bear a grudge
    harbor ill feelings

    Synonym: grudge

3. be in a huff
    be silent or sullen

    Synonym: grizzlebrood

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