
stick out是什么意思 stick out在线翻译 stick out什么意思 stick out的意思 stick out的翻译 stick out的解释 stick out的发音 stick out的同义词

stick out [stik aut]  [stɪk aʊt] 

stick out 基本解释

stick out的翻译

坚持; 伸出来; 竖起; 断言

stick out 网络解释

1. stick out

1. 坚持:nd Learn) 简单 (Simplicity) 坚持 (stick out) 我们的定位: 以互联网为工具的中小企业营销顾问 我们的工具是-互联网 我们的市场是-中小企业 我们专注的行业-旅游 我们专注的领域-营销 我们的角色是-顾问 two 在东吴园的陋室中,

2. 伸出:948. stick to 粘住, 坚持 | 949. stick out伸出 | 950. stop doing sth. 停止做某事

3. 突出:step up 提高 | stick out 突出 | take after与(父、母等)相像

4. stick out

4. 坚持到底:step down 走下,下(车辞退;退出 | stick out坚持到底 | stick sb.欺骗某人

stick out 词典解释

1. 伸出;探出
    If you stick out part of your body, you extend it away from your body.

stick out的解释

    e.g. She made a face and stuck out her tongue at him...
    e.g. He stuck his hand out and he said, 'Good evening.'

2. 显眼;显得突出
    If something sticks out, it is very noticeable because it is unusual.

stick out是什么意思

    e.g. The things that stuck out were his cockiness and his four-letter words...
    e.g. What had Cutter done to make him stick out from the crowd?

3. (在逆境中)坚持到底,忍耐到底
    If someone in an unpleasant or difficult situation sticks it out, they do not leave or give up.

    e.g. I really didn't like New York, but I wanted to stick it out a little bit longer.

stick out 单语例句

1. Using a cocktail stick, draw lines out towards the edges to create a spider web.

2. The Van de Graaff generator is also a favourite as static electricity makes hair stick up and out in all directions.

3. Visitors who decided to stick it out tried every means to escape the heat, by standing in the shadow of buildings and under umbrellas and sunshades.

4. The longest hospital stays were for children with surgically repaired gastroschisis, a defect involving an opening in the abdomen through which intestines stick out.

5. I got to stick a microphone in Kobe Bryant's face, and discovered he is much friendlier than the media was making out at the time.

6. Recently Tibet laid out a plan to explore its mineral resources, while pledging to stick to rational exploitation and minimizing the damage to the natural environment.

7. It makes me feel like a voyeur and I can write about myriad things I want to stick out my neck and see.

8. Along the road, serfs had to bow and stick out their tongues to show humble obedience.

9. The body of the stick is actually rope with a dragon head carved out of wood.

10. It is quite puzzling why schools like to stick out at students'long hair.

stick out 英英释义


1. put up with something or somebody unpleasant

    e.g. I cannot bear his constant criticism
           The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks
           he learned to tolerate the heat
           She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage

    Synonym: digestendurestomachbearstandtoleratesupportbrookabidesufferput up

2. be highly noticeable

    Synonym: leap outjump outjumpstand out

3. extend out or project in space

    e.g. His sharp nose jutted out
           A single rock sticks out from the cliff

    Synonym: protrudejut outjutproject

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