
stifle是什么意思 stifle在线翻译 stifle什么意思 stifle的意思 stifle的翻译 stifle的解释 stifle的发音 stifle的同义词 stifle的反义词 stifle的例句

stifle [ˈstaɪfl]  [ˈstaɪfəl] 


stifle 基本解释

及物/不及物动词扼杀; (使)窒息; (使)窒闷

及物动词扼杀; 遏制; 镇压; 藏匿

名词后腿膝关节; 后膝关节病

stifle 相关例句


1. She tried hard to stifle her laughter.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The heavy smoke stifled the firemen.

3. The smoke stifled the fireman.


1. I'm stifling in this hot room.

stifle 网络解释

1. 窒息:潜行 ( Stealth ) 和隐形 ( Invisibility )震昏 ( Stun )、催眠 ( Mesmerize )、窒息 ( Stifle ) 和媚惑 ( Charm )移除赞助者 ( patrons ) 这个阶级,所有会员赚取的公会地位点数将除以公会内会员的帐号数目 ( 最小值为 6,

2. stifle的近义词

2. 使窒息:stifle in the cradle 扼杀在摇篮里 | stifle 使窒息 | stifling 沉闷的

3. stifle的近义词

3. 使窒息,闷死:stench of putrefaction 腐烂东西发出的恶臭 | stifle 使窒息,闷死 | strand 使搁浅,使处于困境

4. stifle是什么意思

4. 阻抑:51Shoreline Ranger沿岸巡逻人SC | 52Stifle阻抑SC | 53Temporal Fissure暂现隙口SC

stifle 词典解释

1. 扼杀;压制;抑止
    If someone stifles something you consider to be a good thing, they prevent it from continuing.

    e.g. Regulations on children stifled creativity...
    e.g. Critics have accused the US of trying to stifle debate.

2. 克制住,忍住(哈欠、笑)
    If you stifle a yawn or laugh, you prevent yourself from yawning or laughing.

    e.g. She makes no attempt to stifle a yawn...
    e.g. His hand shot to his mouth to stifle a giggle.

3. 克制;压抑
    If you stifle your natural feelings or behaviour, you prevent yourself from having those feelings or behaving in that way.


    e.g. It is best to stifle curiosity and leave birds' nests alone...
    e.g. He stifled his temptation to take hold of Ivy and shake her.

stifle 单语例句

1. Bush said nations must not respond to the crisis by " imposing regulations that would stifle innovation and choke off growth ".

2. What is important is to avoid hasty actions that could stifle and choke financial innovation.

3. They said they would contest the action on the basis that it was an attempt " to stifle all critical commentary about Prince ".

4. Canadian retailers complain the law will confuse customers and sellers, and stifle sales of their top product.

5. The report says the new system will increase the exporting cost of Chinese manufacturers and stifle their desire to export.

6. Lower investment by OPEC could sharply push up crude prices and this could stifle demand and depress the global economy in the long run.

7. Opposition parties claim that such a law could be used to stifle dissent and restrict freedom of expression.

8. A global economy that recognizes the need for and value of institutional diversity would foster rather than stifle such experimentation and evolution.

9. The gauge tumbled 22 percent last month on concern slowing loan growth will stifle economic expansion.

10. His job is to stifle the opponent's offense before it gets organized and turn the ball over to his more flashy teammates.

stifle 英英释义



1. joint between the femur and tibia in a quadruped
    corresponds to the human knee

    Synonym: knee



1. be asphyxiated
    die from lack of oxygen

    e.g. The child suffocated under the pillow

    Synonym: suffocateasphyxiate

2. smother or suppress

    e.g. Stifle your curiosity

    Synonym: dampen

3. impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of

    e.g. The foul air was slowly suffocating the children

    Synonym: suffocateasphyxiatechoke

4. conceal or hide

    e.g. smother a yawn
           muffle one's anger
           strangle a yawn

    Synonym: smotherstranglemufflerepress

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