
stimulant是什么意思 stimulant在线翻译 stimulant什么意思 stimulant的意思 stimulant的翻译 stimulant的解释 stimulant的发音 stimulant的同义词

stimulant [ˈstɪmjələnt]  [ˈstɪmjələnt] 


stimulant 基本解释

名词刺激物; [药]兴奋剂; 酒精饮料

形容词刺激的,激励的; 使人兴奋的

stimulant 相关例句


1. Praise is a stimulant.

2. The lowering of interest rates will act as a stimulant to economic growth.

stimulant 网络解释

1. stimulant的翻译

1. 兴奋剂:*兴奋剂 (Stimulant) 人蔘能增进心智活动能力,尤其是老年人的智能;人蔘能增进学习能力,人蔘能间接刺激压力荷尔蒙的分泌,这些荷尔蒙能增进活力并预防疲倦.

2. 刺激物:榴莲:暖胃,养阴补血气,有专家以为果肉中的刺激物(Stimulant)具备催情作用,但反应因人而异. 苹果:将一个苹果去皮切片或捣成泥取汁,敷于脸部,15分钟-20分钟后 取下. 苹果有收敛、爽肤的作用,常用可使肉皮儿细滑、面斑减轻. 合适中性肉皮儿.

3. 刺激剂:第一章 概论 第二章 刺激剂(stimulant) 第一节 局麻药 第二节 拟交感药 第三节 黄嘌呤类药 第四节 拟交感胺类药 第三章 蛋白同化制剂 第一节 雄性/合成类固醇 第二节&n...

4. 剌激剂:stillborn 死产的 | stimulant 剌激剂 | stimulating therapy 剌激疗法

stimulant 词典解释

1. 兴奋剂;引起兴奋的药物
    A stimulant is a drug that makes your body work faster, often increasing your heart rate and making you less likely to sleep.


stimulant 单语例句

1. Its ongoing development means the paper industry will act as an economic stimulant for local economies.

2. With the end of the stimulant tax rebate policy for buying homes in the US, the country's property market has begun slumping once gain.

3. The source said Edwards had inadvertently taken a form of glucose that unknowingly contained nikethamide, a stimulant that can affect the central nervous system.

4. Former Chinese international goalkeeper Jiang Hong has admitted taking illegal drugs during his career, saying his addiction to the potent stimulant methamphetamine nearly ruined his life.

5. Scented with peppermint oil, each bar is designed to provide a stimulant boost within five minutes.

6. Additional drugs detected in Jackson's system were the sedatives midazolam and diazepam, the painkiller lidocaine and the stimulant ephedrine.

7. Ractopamine and ractopamine hydrochloride are stimulant drugs that are used as feed additives to promote leanness in pigs raised for their meat.

8. Their pretense was they were heading to Somalia with a payload of " khat, " a mild stimulant grown in Kenya and chewed by many Somalis.

9. Crystal meth is also known as methamphetamine, a stimulant which is on WADA's list of prohibited substances and methods.

10. Some nervous parents in Shanghai searched before the exam for a prescription stimulant to give their children.

stimulant 英英释义


1. a drug that temporarily quickens some vital process

    Synonym: stimulant drugexcitant

2. any stimulating information or event
    acts to arouse action

    Synonym: stimulationstimulusinput



1. that stimulates

    e.g. stimulant phenomena

    Synonym: stimulating

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