
stinker是什么意思 stinker在线翻译 stinker什么意思 stinker的意思 stinker的翻译 stinker的解释 stinker的发音 stinker的同义词 stinker的反义词

stinker [ˈstɪŋkə(r)]  [ˈstɪŋkɚ] 


stinker 基本解释



stinker 网络解释

1. stinker

1. 臭鬼:stinkbug 臭虫 | stinker 臭鬼 | stinking 非常讨厌的

2. 臭人:66. Schwuler 同性戀 | 67. Stinker 臭人 | 68. Schlauermeyer 小聪明鬼

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 混蛋:rotten egg, 坏蛋; | stinker, 混蛋; | screwball 和 crackpot 皆指神经不正常的角色;

4. 肮脏鬼 对史麦戈心中邪恶人格的称呼:Sting 刺针 比尔博的精灵宝剑 | Stinker 肮脏鬼 对史麦戈心中邪恶人格的称呼 | Stock 史塔克 地名

stinker 双语例句

1. You can call me Faye, |but I'm gonna call you a stinker.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Not all friendships turn out to be really rewarding, but if you end up in a stinker, it is because you have compromised what is really important to you.

3. Not all friendships turn out to be really rewarding, but if you end up in a stinker, it's because you've compromised what is really important to you.

4. Not all friendship turn out to be really rewarding, but if you end up in a stinker, it's because you've compromised what is really important to you.

5. Not all friendships turn out to be really rewarding, but if you end up in a stinker, it`s because you`ve compromised what is really important to you.

6. Not all friendships turn out to be really rewarding, but if you end up in a stinker, it`s because you`ve compromised what is readlly important to you.

7. Should you leave a stinker while eating?

8. For the fact is that the plan on offer is a stinker — and inexcusably so.

9. stinker的解释

9. I think he means the party is a stinker.

10. Oh, I'm sure a stinker is due here any time now, but it ain't one of these.

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. Her mother said she's so proud of the little stinker.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. He is such a stinker.

13. I thought it was a right stinker.

14. " I'm so proud of the little stinker, " said her mother, Paula Tuck.

15. stinker

15. What a stinker, he wanted to make us into serfs.

16. Are you a drinker or a stinker?

17. She'd had a real stinker of a day at work.

18. The two-hour examination was a real stinker.

19. What a stinker that man is!

20. It's been a real stinker of a day.

stinker 词典解释

1. 令人讨厌的人;恶劣之事;坏蛋
    If you describe someone or something as a stinker, you mean that you think they are very unpleasant or bad.


    e.g. I think he's an absolute stinker to do that to her...
    e.g. I thought it was a right stinker.

stinker 单语例句

1. I was once a right royal stinker, and my fetid feet were the bane of my existence.


stinker 英英释义



1. an artifact (especially an automobile) that is defective or unsatisfactory

    Synonym: lemon

2. anything that gives off an offensive odor (especially a cheap cigar)

3. a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible

    e.g. only a rotter would do that
           kill the rat
           throw the bum out
           you cowardly little pukes!
           the British call a contemptible person a `git'

    Synonym: rotterdirty dogratskunkstinkpotbumpukecrumblowlifescum bagso-and-sogit

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