
stirring是什么意思 stirring在线翻译 stirring什么意思 stirring的意思 stirring的翻译 stirring的解释 stirring的发音 stirring的同义词

stirring [ˈstɜ:rɪŋ]  [ˈstə:rɪŋ] 


stirring 基本解释

形容词激动人心的; 鼓舞人心的; 令人激情澎湃的


名词萌动; 出现; 酝酿 ; 开始

stirring 相关例句


1. He made a stirring speech.

stirring 网络解释

1. 搅拌:其影响被蚀刻物之蚀刻速率(etchingrate)的因素有三:蚀刻液浓度、蚀刻液温度、及搅拌(stirring)之有无. 定性而言,增加蚀刻温度与加入搅拌,均能有效提高蚀刻速率;但浓度之影响则较不明确. 举例来说,以49%的HF蚀刻SiO2,

2. 搅动:世界气象组织(WMO)对於喷 的定随时间增加,是搅动(stirring)的过程,此过程在大气中可由 稳定合(mixing)的过程. 而由上图,涡 拟能随时间持续递减,动能近似HR98 以能 波谱(energy spectrum)分析 的观点,推导正压涡释莱茵斯尺 .

3. 活泼的:stirrer 搅拌器 | stirring 活泼的 | stirrup bone 镫骨

4. 令人激动地:10. 共同目标: unity of purpose | 11. 令人激动地: stirring | 12. 慷慨激昂的: impassioned

stirring 词典解释

1. (活动、演出或描述)激动人心的,鼓舞人心的
    A stirring event, performance, or account of something makes people very excited or enthusiastic.

    e.g. The Prime Minister made a stirring speech...
    e.g. Stowe gives a stirring performance as a strong spirited female.

2. (感情、想法的)萌生,出现,酝酿
    A stirring of a feeling or thought is the beginning of one.

    e.g. I feel a stirring of curiosity.
    e.g. ...the first stirrings of a sense of guilt.

stirring 单语例句

1. Shrimp turns red and vegetables smell nice in a few minutes by stirring them with a pot of high temperature stones.

2. But the cartel agreed to have OPEC finance ministers discuss the idea, and the two allies'move showed their potential for stirring up problems for the US.

3. Mix the corn flour solution well and slowly add to the sauce, stirring all the time to prevent lumps.

4. The Astros made stirring comebacks in 2004 and 2005 to clinch playoff spots on the last day of the season.

5. Gatlin's revelation came just days after Landis tested positive for a testosterone imbalance after his stirring comeback victory at the Tour de France.

6. Khartoum and Juba have yet to agree on who will control Abyei, stirring fears that the issue could sour the secession and spark a broader conflict.

7. Bush, has been president without stirring public complaints about a conflict of interest.

8. This dish also plays into my innate lethargy because it requires little attention and stirring, contrary to what cooks will tell you.

9. A recent report that a once popular genius kid has become a monk is stirring controversy across the country.

10. Those who criticize China's way of selecting and training athletes have the ulterior motive of stirring up controversy and creating a negative image of China.


stirring 英英释义



1. agitating a liquid with an implement

    e.g. constant stirring prevents it from burning on the bottom of the pan

2. arousing to a particular emotion or action

    Synonym: inspiration


1. exciting strong but not unpleasant emotions

    e.g. a stirring speech

    Synonym: soul-stirring

2. capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement

    e.g. a rousing sermon
           stirring events such as wars and rescues

    Synonym: rousing

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