
stoppage是什么意思 stoppage在线翻译 stoppage什么意思 stoppage的意思 stoppage的翻译 stoppage的解释 stoppage的发音 stoppage的同义词

stoppage [ˈstɒpɪdʒ]  [ˈstɑ:pɪdʒ] 


stoppage 基本解释

名词故障; 停止,中止; 阻塞,堵塞; 扣留


stoppage 相关例句


1. All these stoppages are costing the company a fortune.

stoppage 网络解释

1. 中止;中断:Lift An Embargo:解除禁运 | stoppage: 中止;中断 | abstention: 弃权

2. 结束:教育: education, schooling, tutelage | 结束: close, closedown, conclusion, end, finish, halt, stop, stoppage, terminal, termination | 介绍: introduction, presentation, recommendation

3. stoppage的意思

3. 中断:stopover 中途停留 | stoppage 中断 | stopped 停止

stoppage 词典解释

1. 停工;罢工
    When there is a stoppage, people stop working because of a disagreement with their employers.

    e.g. Mineworkers in the Ukraine have voted for a one-day stoppage next month.

2. (足球等体育运动中的)中断比赛,暂停
    In football and some other sports, when there is a stoppage, the game stops for a short time, for example because a player is injured. The referee may add some extra time at the end of the game because of this.

in AM, use 美国英语用 time out

stoppage 单语例句

1. The Canadian government introduced legislation on Friday to force strikers to return to work, saying the work stoppage was becoming risky for the Canadian economy.

2. Vincenzo Iaquinta opened the scoring for host Juve on 35 minutes, but deep into first half stoppage time Roma captain Francesco Totti equalized from the spot.

3. Le Fondre headed over in stoppage time as Reading threw everyone including goalkeeper Adam Federici forward but United held on.

4. Libor Kozak got his marching order in stoppage time for a second bookable offence to add to Lazio's misery.

5. There were cheers each time Beckham touched the ball, the highlight being a corner kick he took in stoppage time.

6. Owen flicked home the second at the far post to seal a deserved win, though Estonia nearly snatched a consolation goal in stoppage time.

7. Casillas got his two minutes into stoppage time, scoring on a counterattack as Uruguay pressed for an equalizer.

8. The authors hypothesize that the decline in breast cancer rates was largely due to the sudden stoppage of hormone therapy.

9. Mohammad Nori doubled their lead on 83 minutes and UAE defender Walid Abbas made matters worse by netting an own goal in stoppage time.

10. But he made a premature exit in stoppage time, when he kicked out at Livorno defender Fabio Galante to earn a straight red card.

stoppage 英英释义


1. the act of stopping something

    e.g. the third baseman made some remarkable stops
           his stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood

    Synonym: stop

2. an obstruction in a pipe or tube

    e.g. we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe

    Synonym: blockageblockclosureocclusionstop

3. the state of inactivity following an interruption

    e.g. the negotiations were in arrest
           held them in check
           during the halt he got some lunch
           the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow
           he spent the entire stop in his seat

    Synonym: arrestcheckhalthitchstaystop

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