
storeroom是什么意思 storeroom在线翻译 storeroom什么意思 storeroom的意思 storeroom的翻译 storeroom的解释 storeroom的发音 storeroom的同义词

storeroom [ˈstɔ:ru:m]  [ˈstɔrˌrum, -ˌrʊm, ˈstor-] 


storeroom 基本解释



storeroom 相关例句


1. The storeroom held the trunks and other household stuff.

storeroom 网络解释

1. 储藏室:在前甲板搜索,进入一旁白色舱门的储藏室(Storeroom),小心地干掉僵尸后,可得到新武器--AK-47. 一旁板条箱上放着关于灭火器的记录(ANoteaboutFireExtinguishers),文件里提醒士兵们小心擦枪走火,因为灭火器可能产生剧烈爆炸.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 库房:用库房钥匙打开大门,这里就是放置集装箱的库房(Storeroom). 汉森先在2楼的中央机关将库房的另一扇大门解锁. 从那座大门进入下层走廊(TheLowerCorridor),忽然一个巨大的寄生兽出现,凶猛的向汉森发起攻击,并且防御力超强.

3. storeroom

3. 儲存室:周日4:00pm 储存室(storeroom)在门板上用铁锤进入,里面太暗了. 使用火柴点燃煤油灯. Eeeeeekk!!现在我的心脏总算恢复正常了. 看这面具,再向左看看见一个黑暗的墙角. 打开窗户,把竹子从窗前移走. 再转向刚刚那个角落,发现一个橱柜.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 仓库:108.net realizable value 可变现净值 | 109.storeroom 仓库 | 110.sale invoice 销售发票

storeroom 词典解释

1. 贮藏室
    A storeroom is a room in which you keep things until they are needed.

    e.g. ...a storeroom filled with massive old furniture covered with dust.

storeroom 单语例句

1. After having your fingerprint checked by computer, you can then enter the storeroom and check your deposit.

2. The fire department said chemical materials in the plant's storeroom were ignited, adding that the fire is under control.

3. Parfitt searched the Harare museum in 2007, and there it was - in a dusty storeroom littered with mouse droppings.

4. Their accounts varied on the location of the fire, with some mentioning a storeroom or engine room.

5. In another shop, bunches of joss paper and other paper funerary products sat piled up in a storeroom.

6. Ha said the storeroom provides 70 per cent of the costumes for all feature films and shorts shot in Viet Nam.

7. The studio's properties storeroom No 1 is part storeroom and part jumble.

8. The military said food and clothing were found in a nearby storeroom.

9. The house collapsed while the six monks were having lunch in a cultural relics storeroom on the first floor.

10. The man said the cat was a resident of the storeroom and had woken him up from its footsteps.

storeroom 英英释义


1. a room in which things are stored

    Synonym: storage roomstowage

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