
straddle是什么意思 straddle在线翻译 straddle什么意思 straddle的意思 straddle的翻译 straddle的解释 straddle的发音 straddle的同义词

straddle [ˈstrædl]  [ˈstrædl:] 


straddle 基本解释

动词跨坐; 叉开腿; 不表明态度; [军]向(目标)作夹叉射击[轰炸]

名词跨坐; 观望; [军]夹叉射击[轰炸]

straddle 网络解释

1. 跨式组合:它有八种类型:跨式组合(Straddle)由具有相同协议价格、相同期限的一份看涨期权和一份看跌期权组成. 跨式组合分为两种:底部跨式组合和顶部跨式组合. 前者由两份多头组成,后者由两份空头组成.

2. straddle的翻译

2. 跨:当一个叶视图分跨(straddle)页面的底部时,这个方法就会记录该页面上沿的位置以便使下一页从这个位置开始. 因此分页符就不会从文本的行当中断开了.

3. 期权:跨式期权(Straddle) 就是同时购买看涨期权和看跌期权的期权交易. 看涨期权和看跌期权具有相同的执行价格、到期月和认购股票或指数. 宽跨式期权(Strangle) 一种同时购买看涨期权和看跌期权的期权交易.

4. 同价买卖选择权:Stop loss limit 止损点,停损点 | Straddle 同价买卖选择权 | strike price 履约价格

straddle 词典解释

1. 骑;跨坐;叉开双腿坐
    If you straddle something, you put or have one leg on either side of it.

    e.g. He sat down, straddling the chair.

2. 横跨,跨越(河流、道路、边境等)
    If something straddles a river, road, border, or other place, it stretches across it or exists on both sides of it.


    e.g. A small wooden bridge straddled the dike.
    e.g. ...this town that straddles the US-Mexico border.

3. 横跨,跨越,同属(不同时期、群体或活动领域等)
    Someone or something that straddles different periods, groups, or fields of activity exists in, belongs to, or takes elements from them all.

    e.g. Our lives have straddled a period of greater change than perhaps any since the end of the Roman Empire...
    e.g. He straddles two cultures, having been brought up in Britain and later converted to Islam.

straddle 单语例句

1. And punters that belly up to the bar here must straddle saddles bejeweled with chrome studs.

2. Straddle carriers move shipping containers at the Port of Brisbane in Australia.

3. They straddle more than half of OPEC's proven oil reserves and have almost all the organization's spare production capacity.

4. The contestants will work on their given assignments over 22 hours that straddle four days.

5. Breivik's previous works straddle a range of materials - from wood and stone to plastic and bronze.

6. Domingo considers himself lucky to straddle the eras of studio recordings and then video recordings.

7. But what has not changed are the old bridges that straddle Suzhou Creek.

straddle 英英释义


1. the option to buy or sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date
    consists of an equal number of put and call options

2. the act of sitting or standing astride

    Synonym: span

3. a gymnastic exercise performed with a leg on either side of the parallel bars

4. a noncommittal or equivocal position


1. range or extend over
    occupy a certain area

    e.g. The plants straddle the entire state

    Synonym: range

2. be noncommittal

3. sit or stand astride of

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