
strangle是什么意思 strangle在线翻译 strangle什么意思 strangle的意思 strangle的翻译 strangle的解释 strangle的发音 strangle的同义词

strangle [ˈstræŋgl]  [ˈstræŋɡəl] 


strangle 基本解释


及物动词抑制; 压制; 扼死,勒死,绞死; 使…窒息


strangle 网络解释

1. 扼杀:日前我工作室有我亲自制作的原创戏剧<<扼杀>>(Strangle)遭到2006大戏节组委会退稿,在7月2日电话中组委会提出的退稿理由是:

2. 勒束式期权组合:Stop loss limit 止蚀限额 | Strangle 勒束式期权组合 | Strategic Investment, Strategic Investor 策略投资;战略投资;策略投资者;战略投资者

3. 扼死,闷死:3. compound 院子,场地 | 4. strangle 扼死,闷死 | 5. carnage 残杀,大屠杀,成堆的尸体

4. strangle

4. 扼死:2 I can't wait to get my bands around your neck! 我恨不得一把掐死你! | 3 strangle 扼死 | 4 I am not a person of words. 我不是会说话的人.

strangle 词典解释

1. 勒死;扼死;绞死;掐死
    To strangle someone means to kill them by squeezing their throat tightly so that they cannot breathe.

    e.g. He tried to strangle a border policeman and steal his gun...
    e.g. He was almost strangled by his parachute harness straps.

...a vigilante group looking for a strangler who's terrorising the town.

2. 抑制;制止;扼杀
    To strangle something means to prevent it from succeeding or developing.


    e.g. The country's economic plight is strangling its scientific institutions...
    e.g. His creative drive has been strangled by his sense of political guilt.

strangle 单语例句

1. A footballer who tried to strangle a referee during a Chilean league game has been banned for 27 matches.

2. The Expo has given people across the world a forum to explore a healthier path, so that similar crises will not strangle it in the future.

3. Drastic global financial fluctuations will plunge the eurozone into a further recession and strangle the nascent economic recovery in the United States.

4. The new move nullifies earlier rumors that China's educational authority will strangle the increasing number of alliances holding independent university entrance examinations.

5. Critics fault him for poor postwar planning and for a steadily growing list of problems, from failure to strangle the insurgency to prisoner abuses in Iraq and Guantanamo.

6. If large companies fail to appreciate this important source of innovations, they will end up using their own hands to strangle themselves.

7. Its ungratefulness and arrogance could strangle the already faint hopes of making real progress in Durban.

8. Kuang was injured in the ensuing tussle, as Li tried to strangle him.

9. They threatened to strangle Xia if he did not tighten a rope tied around the girl's neck.

10. He struck her head with a rock and then attempted to strangle her.

strangle 英英释义


1. struggle for breath
    have insufficient oxygen intake

    e.g. he swallowed a fishbone and gagged

    Synonym: gagchokesuffocate

2. constrict (someone's) throat and keep from breathing

    Synonym: choke

3. prevent the progress or free movement of

    e.g. He was hampered in his efforts by the bad weather
           the imperialist nation wanted to strangle the free trade between the two small countries

    Synonym: hamperhaltercramp

4. die from strangulation

5. conceal or hide

    e.g. smother a yawn
           muffle one's anger
           strangle a yawn

    Synonym: smotherstiflemufflerepress

6. kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air

    e.g. he tried to strangle his opponent
           A man in Boston has been strangling several dozen prostitutes

    Synonym: strangulatethrottle

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