
streamlined是什么意思 streamlined在线翻译 streamlined什么意思 streamlined的意思 streamlined的翻译 streamlined的解释 streamlined的发音

streamlined ['stri:mlaɪnd]  [ˈstrimˌlaɪnd] 


streamlined 基本解释

形容词(指汽车、飞机等)流线型的; 经过简化以改善效率的; 现代化的


streamlined 网络解释

1. streamlined的近义词

1. 流线型的:它们又表现出一种新的形状,尽管这种形状比球状更不简单,却仍然是完全对称的,并满足以下的条件,即水滴的形状使它穿越空气时受到的阻力最小,这样一来,它便可以下落得尽可能地快;换言之,下降的水滴完全是流线型的(streamlined它的对称性再次与

2. streamlined

2. 精简:-集成了嵌套向量中断控制器(NVIC)以提供明确的中断处理-存储器保护单元(MPU)为受保护的操作系统功能提供了一种特权模式-极细微的位元处理操作(atomic bit-banding)可最大限度地使用内存,并且提供精简(streamlined)的外设控制-提供锁定寄存器保护,

3. 吝形的:streamline shaped body 吝形体 | streamlined 吝形的 | streamlined flow 层流

streamlined 词典解释

1. 流线型的
    A streamlined vehicle, animal, or object has a shape that allows it to move quickly or efficiently through air or water.

    e.g. ...these beautifully streamlined and efficient cars.
    e.g. ...the sharks' sleek, streamlined bodies.

streamlined 单语例句

1. Those lists will now be streamlined into one common EU file which will apply across the 25 EU member nations.

2. Governments at all levels conscientiously implemented the Administrative Permission Law and eliminated or streamlined a large number of items requiring administrative approval.

3. And if driver training and licensing requirements are used as avenues to contribute to safety, the procedures should be streamlined and made more affordable.

4. Vegetable cultivation has been streamlined over the past few years, pedaled by leading local enterprises with cooperative societies at its flanks.

5. Examination and approval procedures of domestic airline management will be streamlined in the coming year to ensure a fairer administration system can be established.

6. Organizers seeking consensus drafted a streamlined document they hoped would be easily approved without controversy.

7. It is said the streamlined supply chain will greatly and efficiently reduce costs and increase farmers'profit margins.

8. The streamlined shape of the test train's front and the special design of its rear were expected to decrease drag.

9. The originals and replicas of furniture in the latest show are mainly wooden chairs with streamlined design.

10. A group of Chinese travel companies have been calling for streamlined visa procedures, says an official with the Beijing Travel Association.

streamlined 英英释义



1. made efficient by stripping off nonessentials

    e.g. short streamlined meetings
           a streamlined hiring process

2. designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow

    e.g. a streamlined convertible

    Synonym: aerodynamicflowingsleek

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