
striker是什么意思 striker在线翻译 striker什么意思 striker的意思 striker的翻译 striker的解释 striker的发音 striker的同义词 striker的反义词

striker [ˈstraɪkə(r)]  [ˈstraɪkɚ] 


striker 基本解释


名词罢工者; 打击者,打手; (足球的)前锋; 锤,报点时钟


striker 相关例句


1. The strikers are holding out for a 5% pay increase.

striker 网络解释

1. 中锋:1 442(4411)时的一名中锋(striker)加一个做球手(dribbler),这是烟斗教练贝尔佐特酷爱的锋线搭配,前两天里皮去向他取经,不过两人好像没有谈到这个话题.

2. 散打:韩服散打(Striker)转职任务 第一步:老牛(萨满牛)第一个评价60%或以上(无难度限制) 第二步:8分钟内完成火女(无难度限制) 后一步:一个人过次僵尸(无难度限制) 日服版本 到达18级后,在玛雅之城风振这里接取名为[転職 - Srtiker1]的任务,然后要求玩家打一韩服--散打(Striker)转职任务国服散打(

3. 打击者:\"打击者\"(Striker)火力支援车将会替代重型师中的M981式火力支援小队车,并成为轻型师的新装备. 作为旅侦察部队的组成部分,提供给战斗观察激光小队,进行火力支援的计划与实施. \"打击者\"为激光制导武器指示目标.

striker 词典解释

1. (足球等的)前锋
    In football and some other team sports, a striker is a player who mainly attacks and scores goals, rather than defends.


    e.g. ...and the England striker scored his sixth goal of the season.
           这名英格兰队前锋踢进了他在本赛季的第 6 个进球

2. see also: strike

striker 单语例句

1. The only potential downside for England were leg injuries to Butt and striker Emile Heskey, although neither looked badly hurt.

2. Drogba is by far the most prolific striker on a team full of talented attackers.

3. A libel action brought by Australian international Harry Kewell against former England striker Gary Lineker and the Sunday Telegraph has been settled out of court.

4. Chelsea needed to win to keep the championship alive but were severely limited by the injury absence of key striker Didier Drogba.

5. Manchester City striker Carlos Tevez could face further disciplinary action from the Premier League club after failing to report for training on Wednesday.

6. Rooney has scored 28 goals this season and club captain Gary Neville feels the England striker can deal with the extra attention coming his way.

7. Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard defended the player last month after As reported that the Catalan club were thinking of selling the Brazilian striker.

8. Most of the game was played in the center of the field, with Liverpool fielding one striker and stifling United's attack with five across midfield.

9. The inquest into United's defeat will undoubtedly centre on Ferguson's decision to leave volatile England striker Wayne Rooney on the substitutes bench.

10. They certainly have enough firepower to trouble a Liverpool team which will be without injured star striker Fernando Torres.

striker 英英释义



1. the part of a mechanical device that strikes something

2. someone who hits

    e.g. a hard hitter
           a fine striker of the ball
           blacksmiths are good hitters

    Synonym: hitter

3. an employee on strike against an employer

4. someone receiving intensive training for a naval technical rating

5. a forward on a soccer team

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