
strut是什么意思 strut在线翻译 strut什么意思 strut的意思 strut的翻译 strut的解释 strut的发音 strut的同义词 strut的反义词 strut的例句

strut [strʌt]  [strʌt] 


strut 基本解释

及物动词炫耀; 在…上趾高气扬地走; 给…加支撑

不及物动词趾高气扬地走; 高视阔步

名词支柱; (框架的)支杆; 趾高气扬的步态; (尤指跳舞或表演时)卖弄

strut 相关例句


1. Eddie turned around and strutted back to them.

2. He strutted into the room.

strut 网络解释

1. 支柱:GT2 RS的前悬挂采用麦弗逊结构,支柱(strut)、连杆(links)与车轮之间的链接球头经过特别强化,带来更准确的转向. 后悬挂采用长短臂的多连杆结构,通过铝制材料的使用,达到降低重量的目的.

2. strut

2. 支撑:心侧钣core plate ledge 高程为正常 冻水系统(NCW)、紧急 冻水系统(ECW)等,相关视察发5.抽查ECW 管 安装,发现1P25-STRT-569,其支撑(strut)安装器厂房 却海水系统(RBSW)渠道及开关厂房之现场环境进( )冈五号机在每月一次的 测试(surveillance test)时,

3. strut的反义词

3. 压杆:前悬架为压杆(Strut)式,但由于采用了带防震绝缘体的副车架(Subframe),因而提高了整车的行驶平稳性. 后悬架为扭转梁式,更显小型化的特点. 此外,行李箱地板高度的降低,使后悬架得以缩短,突出其短小精悍的特点. 日产的March,

4. 撑杆:紫杉醇洗脱支架组重叠支架边支受损的主要原因包括,支架撑杆(strut)的增加引起的几何学的狭窄;聚合物的皱褶使支架边缘增厚和(或)形成团块;血小板聚集和(或)血栓沉积;紫杉醇引起的痉挛等等.

strut 词典解释

1. 趾高气扬地走;昂首阔步
    Someone who struts walks in a proud way, with their head held high and their chest out, as if they are very important.


    e.g. He struts around town like he owns the place.

2. 撑杆;支杆;支柱;支撑
    A strut is a piece of wood or metal which holds the weight of other pieces in a building or other structure.


    e.g. ...the struts of a suspension bridge.

strut 单语例句

1. More than 20 models expected to strut on the catwalk will be competition winners from home and abroad.

2. The bar counter is also well designed for the staff behind it, giving them space to twist and shake as they strut their stuff.

3. The front suspension is a McPherson strut and the rear a four trapezoidal system.

4. It puts Chinese filmmakers in invisible shackles even before they can strut their stuff and win over a global audience.

5. Then strut your way over to The Emperor Hotel's Yin Bar for a huangjiu nightcap.

6. Until then I'll just have to resign myself to strut the catwalk.

7. The company had received over 600 applications in just three days from male hopefuls eager to strut their stuff.

8. Two boys toted skateboards for their strut down the runway and two others glided on scooters.

9. He does not go around picking fights, but he is not afraid to strut his stuff when challenged.

10. The finalists will then strut across the stage in bikinis for the swimsuit competition.

strut 英英释义



1. a proud stiff pompous gait

    Synonym: pranceswagger

2. brace consisting of a bar or rod used to resist longitudinal compression



1. to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others

    e.g. He struts around like a rooster in a hen house

    Synonym: tittupswaggerruffleprancesashaycock

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