
stub是什么意思 stub在线翻译 stub什么意思 stub的意思 stub的翻译 stub的解释 stub的发音 stub的同义词 stub的反义词 stub的例句 stub的相关词组

stub [stʌb]  [stʌb] 


stub 基本解释

名词树桩; 铅笔头,烟蒂; 票根,存根

及物动词使(脚趾)碰到某物; 捻灭(香烟,雪茄等); 连根拔出

stub 相关例句


1. He stubbed his toe against the doorsill.

2. I stubbed my toe against a stone.

3. stub的反义词

3. He stubbed out his cigarette.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. He quickly stubbed out his cigarettes.

stub 网络解释

1. 存根:陈述 A: RMI中, 存根( stub)是表示远程对象的客户端的代理. .陈述 B: 解包(Unmarshalling )是一种过程,即把由客户端RRL传递过来的被组包的参数通过服务器端的RRL 转换为骨架(skeleton )可理解的格式的过程.

2. 支线:所有区域都与主干相连每个LAN选择一个称作指定路由器(designated router)的路由器可将网络分为支线(stub)网络,多连接(multiconnected)网络和中转(transit)网络三类.

3. stub的翻译

3. 抽头:板间的垂直金属部分难是不可控阻抗,布置信号线的时候,使用抽头(stub)或者锥形柄(Ts)连接设备很方便,如图30a. stub和Ts 可能成为噪声源. 如果太长,它们就像带主线(main l ine)的传输线,同样受到反射终端(termination)来使用,

stub 词典解释

1. 残根;残端;(铅笔)头;(烟)蒂
    The stub of a cigarette or a pencil is the last short piece of it which remains when the rest has been used.

    e.g. He pulled the stub of a pencil from behind his ear.
    e.g. ...an ashtray of cigarette stubs.

2. 票根;存根
    A ticket stub is the part that you keep when you go in to watch a performance.


    e.g. Fans who still have their original ticket stubs should contact Sheffield Arena by July 3.
           仍保留原始票根的球迷请于 7 月 3 号前和谢菲尔德体育馆联系。

3. (支票的)存根
    A cheque stub is the small part that you keep as a record of what you have paid.

4. 不小心踢到(脚趾)
    If you stub your toe, you hurt it by accidentally kicking something.

    e.g. I stubbed my toes against a table leg.

相关词组:stub out

stub 单语例句

1. Deckhands and other fishermen generally need to show a photo ID and documentation such as a pay stub showing how much money they typically earn.

2. But because I had no ashtray, they would usually stub it out in one of the flowerpots.

3. Now, it is high time we showed real guts to stub out the cigarette.

4. If they could grow even a small stub, it could make a huge difference in their lives.

stub 英英释义



1. the small unused part of something (especially the end of a cigarette that is left after smoking)

    Synonym: butt

2. the part of a check that is retained as a record

    Synonym: check stubcounterfoil

3. a torn part of a ticket returned to the holder as a receipt

    Synonym: ticket stub

4. a small piece

    e.g. a nub of coal
           a stub of a pencil

    Synonym: nub

5. a short piece remaining on a trunk or stem where a branch is lost



1. strike (one's toe) accidentally against an object

    e.g. She stubbed her toe in the dark and now it's broken

2. clear of weeds by uprooting them

    e.g. stub a field

3. extinguish by crushing

    e.g. stub out your cigarette now

4. pull up (weeds) by their roots

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