
stud是什么意思 stud在线翻译 stud什么意思 stud的意思 stud的翻译 stud的解释 stud的发音 stud的同义词 stud的反义词 stud的例句 stud的相关词组

stud [stʌd]  [stʌd] 


stud 基本解释

名词种马; 大头钉; (衣袖等的)饰钮; [建]壁骨

及物动词用饰钮装饰; 散布; 用壁骨支撑

stud 网络解释

1. stud

1. 螺柱:螺柱概念 螺柱(stud),指没有头部,仅有两端均带外螺纹的一类紧固件,如:双头螺柱(double end stud),焊接螺柱(welding stud)等. (有的时候被叫为螺杆)

2. 双头螺栓:AC 规格,线圈(coil) 断线有自己诊断功能n 裸露端子(含连接座(socket)端子)配线后请务必用绝缘套管保护印刷基板请用树指包覆(coating) 保护n 依电气用品取缔法标准依据品,不可制作安装双头螺栓(stud)

3. 螺桩:2.4.3 每支螺栓(Bolt)应配一只螺帽,每支螺桩(Stud)应配二只螺帽. 螺栓不必全牙制造,螺栓/螺桩的长度於螺帽垫圈安装锁紧后,至少须露出三牙,埋於地下的螺栓则须使用[展性铸铁(Ductile Iron)][ ]材质.

4. 双头螺柱:长春等长双头螺柱(stud),指没有头部,仅有两端均带外螺纹的一类紧固件,如:双头螺柱(double end stud),焊接螺柱(welding stud)等. (有的时候被叫为螺杆) 螺柱用途简介 1、长春等长双头螺柱bm=1d双头螺柱一般用于两个钢制被连接件之间的连接;bm=1.25d和bm=1.5d双头螺柱一般用于铸铁制被连接件与钢制被连接件之间的连接

stud 词典解释

1. (固定在物体表面用于装饰的)嵌钉,饰钉
    A studs are small pieces of metal which are attached to a surface for decoration.


    e.g. You see studs on lots of London front doors.

2. 耳钉
    A stud is an earring consisting of a small shape attached to a bar which goes through a hole in your ear.

    e.g. ...plain gold studs.

3. (尤指运动靴的)防滑钉,鞋钉
    Studs are small round objects attached to the bottom of boots, especially sports boots, so that the person wearing them does not slip.

in AM, use 美国英语用 cleats

4. 种马;种畜
    Horses or other animals that are kept for stud are kept to be used for breeding.


    e.g. He was voted horse of the year and then was retired to stud.

5. 性欲旺盛的男子;风流男子
    If you refer to a man as a stud, you mean that he is thought to be very active sexually and good at satisfying his partner's sexual desires.

6. 同 stud farm
    A stud is the same as a stud farm .

7. see also: press stud

stud 单语例句

1. Nag, has a silver stud in her nose and another piercing her chin.

2. On July 15 last year, a stud was selected for the artificial insemination of six females.

3. To sate the need for more international breeds, overseas stud farms are entering the mainland market.

4. The vineyard's name comes from the fact that it used to be a stud stable, and the stallions'barn now serves as the vineyard's headquarters.

5. He sported a metal stud under his lip and his hair was dyed blond on top and shaved close around the sides and back.

stud 英英释义


1. poker in which each player receives hole cards and the remainder are dealt face up
    bets are placed after each card is dealt

    Synonym: stud poker

2. adult male horse kept for breeding

    Synonym: studhorse

3. an upright in house framing

    Synonym: scantling

4. ornament consisting of a circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt)

    Synonym: rivet

5. a man who is virile and sexually active

    Synonym: he-manmacho-man



1. provide with or construct with studs

    e.g. stud the wall

2. scatter or intersperse like dots or studs

    e.g. Hills constellated with lights

    Synonym: dotconstellate

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