
stumpy是什么意思 stumpy在线翻译 stumpy什么意思 stumpy的意思 stumpy的翻译 stumpy的解释 stumpy的发音 stumpy的同义词 stumpy的反义词 stumpy的例句

stumpy [ˈstʌmpi]  [ˈstʌmpi] 

stumpy 基本解释



stumpy 相关例句


1. The next job has been digging the stumps of the trees out of the soil.

stumpy 网络解释

1. 多残株的, 株状的, 粗短的 矮胖者:alternating current cab signal code 机车信号交流电码 | stumpy 多残株的, 株状的, 粗短的 矮胖者 | cooling medium pump 冷却介质泵 输送冷却介质的泵

2. 多残株的:stumper 竞选演说者 | stumpy 多残株的 | stun 打晕

3. stumpy

3. 矮胖物:28. ...over a puddle of puke? 呕吐物. | 29. Stumpy.矮胖物 | 30. You can't deprive yourself like this.虐待.

4. 短柱状:豆状集合体 pisolitic aggregate | 短柱状 stumpy | 断口 fracture

stumpy 双语例句

1. Joe remembers Laurette, a prostitute at Stumpy Telsa's brothel.

2. Vestiges such as the stumpy wings of flightless birds, and the hairs that prickle on human skin just like the rising hackles on furry mammals, are further testimony to our shared origins.

3. I only met one person, a dog called Stumpy, who was going the opposite way. He was carrying a paper parcel in his mouth. P56

4. Some people seem born to be square and chunky; a dumpy little dumpling of a woman; dachshunds are long lowset dogs with drooping ears; a little church with a squat tower; a squatty red smokestack; a stumpy ungainly figure.

5. Two figures had just entered the gate and were coming toward him; one slow and stumpy, the other stumpier and slower still.

6. stumpy

6. She had short stumpy legs and long floppy ears, with a fawn-colored coat and tiny freckles sprinkled across her muzzle

7. What's stumpy up to now?

8. A: Please. She's short and stumpy. And she looks like Ugly Betty.

9. stumpy的近义词

9. They cut your legs short and can make you look stumpy.

10. Stumpy and his wife Martha went to the state fair every year.

11. stumpy是什么意思

11. Wilhelmina: What's stumpy up to now?

12. Stumpy, who was going the opposite way. He was carrying a paper

13. It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles.

14. Does this dress make my legs look too stumpy?

15. Stumpy was a large, serious, well-behaved brown dog with a short tail.

16. Nobody would call him little stumpy any more.

17. stumpy的意思

17. Than stumpy, my one-legged granny.

18. Stumpy stepped before the expectant crowd.

19. The first thing we've got to do is see if old stumpy's still out there.

20. The crowd approved the choice and Stumpy was wise enough to bow to the majority.

stumpy 词典解释

1. 短而粗的
    Stumpy things are short and thick.

    e.g. Does this dress make my legs look too stumpy?

stumpy 单语例句

1. LONDON - Webbed feet run in Stumpy's family, but he's the first to have four of them.


stumpy 英英释义


1. short and thick
    as e.g. having short legs and heavy musculature

    e.g. some people seem born to be square and chunky
           a dumpy little dumpling of a woman
           dachshunds are long lowset dogs with drooping ears
           a little church with a squat tower
           a squatty red smokestack
           a stumpy ungainly figure

    Synonym: chunkydumpylow-setsquatsquatty

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