
style是什么意思 style在线翻译 style什么意思 style的意思 style的翻译 style的解释 style的发音 style的同义词 style的反义词 style的例句

style [staɪl]  [staɪl] 


style 基本解释

名词方式; 样式; 时髦; 仪表,品位

及物动词设计; 称呼; 为…造型

不及物动词使符合流行式样; 用刻刀作装饰画

style 相关例句



1. You'll find several different styles of architecture in this street.

2. style

2. That dress is in the latest style.

3. Her hat is out of style.

4. The letter is written in a formal style.

style 情景对话


B:What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel?

A:I feel that learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership./I have refined my management style by using an open-door policy.

B:How do you normally handle criticism?


A:Silence is golden. Just don't say anything; otherwise the situation could become worse. I do, however, accept constructive criticism. /When we cool off, we will discuss it later.


A:Good morning, madam.

B:Good morning. I would like a shampoo and set.

A:Yes, madam. What style do you want?

B:I'd like to try a new hair-style. Could you show me some pictures of hair styles?

A:Sure. We have various models: hair bobbed, hair sweptback, chaplet hair style, shoulder-length hair style,hair done in a bun. Please have a look at them, madam.


B:Thanks. Please give me the style in this picture here but make the wave longer. I would like hair spray,please.

A:Yes, madam.


B:Oh, your hair dryer is too hot. Would you adjust it, please?


A:Sorry, madam. I'll adjust it right away.Is that all right now?


B:Yes, thank.

A:Please have a look.

B:Beautifully done. Please trim my eyebrows and darken them.

A:All right, madam. And would you like a manicure?


B:Yes. Use a light nail varnish, please.


A:Hello, can I help you?

B:Well, I'm looking for some winter clothes for my wife.

A:Oh, it is the high time for your purchasing in our clothes shop. We are now having a pre-season sale on all our winter apparel.


B:Really? What's that?


A:Everything for winter is 20% off.


B:I think my wife may favor the sweater in the shopwindow. And would you like to aid me to look for any skirts going with this sweater?


A:Sure. We have both skirts and trousers that would go well with the sweater. Look to this section.


B:I especially like this flowery skirt. My wife must be very elegant in them.


A:You have a good taste. It is very much in style this year.


B:But I don't think the green one fits her complexion. Do you have any of those skirts in light color or tan?

A:Look on the rack to your right.

B:Oh yes. I'll take this one. Can I pay with a traveler's check?

A:It's OK.

style 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 款式:如蕾丝、皱折、绣花、镂空、金属配饰、印花、腰带并溶入时尚流行的PRINT (印染)及特殊水洗处理. (4) 款式(STYLE) 表现时尚柔美与溶入前卫休闲的最先导欧洲设计理念. 强调女性的健康妖美和自信真实.

style 词典解释

1. 行为方式;作风;风格
    The style of something is the general way in which it is done or presented, which often shows the attitudes of the people involved.

    e.g. Our children's different needs and learning styles created many problems...
    e.g. Belmont Park is a broad sweeping track which will suit the European style of running...

2. 风度;气派;格调
    If people or places have style, they are smart and elegant.


    e.g. Bournemouth, you have to admit, has style...
    e.g. Both love doing things in style...

3. 款式
    The style of a product is its design.

    e.g. His 50 years of experience have given him strong convictions about style...
           50 年的经验使得他在款式上有自己的独到见解。
    e.g. Several styles of hat were available.

4. (某群艺术家或某文艺时期的)风格
    In the arts, a particular style is characteristic of a particular period or group of people.


    e.g. ...six scenes in the style of a classical Greek tragedy.
           6 个古典希腊悲剧式的场景
    e.g. ...a mixture of musical styles.

5. 设计;使具有…风格
    If something such as a piece of clothing, a vehicle, or someone's hair is styled in a particular way, it is designed or shaped in that way.


    e.g. His thick blond hair had just been styled before his trip.
    e.g. ...classically styled clothes.

6. see also: old-style;self-styled;styling

7. 不是…的风格;不符合…的喜好
    If you say that something is not someone's style, you mean that it is not the way in which they usually do things, or it is different from the sort of thing they usually like.

    e.g. Mr Blair was not off guard. That is not his style...
    e.g. To be honest, the house is not quite our style.

style 单语例句


1. The Business Park was actively adjusting the strategy and style for investment to suit the requirements demanded by industry development.

2. The men's collection is inspired by Williamson's own wardrobe, mixing a dapper young gentleman's style with hot colors and attractive ethnic influences.

3. The building now has European style rooms and offers a butler service on its administrative floors.

4. What mostly affects the Chinese shoppers'decision when buying clothes - price, style or fiber?

5. To reproduce the ancient style of the Fuzhou horn comb, craftsmen had to polish every comb tooth by hand.

6. Rock'n'roll band Second Hand Rose stages rock music influenced by the folk style of dongbei or Northeast China.

7. Lu cai or Lu cuisine is the first formal cooking style recognized in China, and northern Chinese food is mainly inspired by it.

8. Renaissance Wines are experimenting with Italian varietals as opposed to the rest of the competitors that make Californian New Age style wines in India.

9. The watchdog called on the Party to improve the work style of the Party, build a clean government and fight corruption.

10. Zhou is noted for his imitation of the unique style created by Mao, who was also a poet and calligrapher.

style 英英释义


1. a slender bristlelike or tubular process

    e.g. a cartilaginous style

2. a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving

    e.g. he drew the design on the stencil with a steel stylus

    Synonym: stylus

3. distinctive and stylish elegance

    e.g. he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer

    Synonym: dashelanflairpanache

4. how something is done or how it happens

    e.g. her dignified manner
           his rapid manner of talking
           their nomadic mode of existence
           in the characteristic New York style
           a lonely way of life
           in an abrasive fashion

    Synonym: mannermodewayfashion

5. the popular taste at a given time

    e.g. leather is the latest vogue
           he followed current trends
           the 1920s had a style of their own

    Synonym: voguetrend

6. a particular kind (as to appearance)

    e.g. this style of shoe is in demand

7. editorial directions to be followed in spelling and punctuation and capitalization and typographical display

8. a way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period

    e.g. all the reporters were expected to adopt the style of the newspaper

    Synonym: expressive style

9. (botany) the narrow elongated part of the pistil between the ovary and the stigma



1. make consistent with certain rules of style

    e.g. style a manuscript

2. designate by an identifying term

    e.g. They styled their nation `The Confederate States'

    Synonym: title

3. make consistent with a certain fashion or style

    e.g. Style my hair
           style the dress

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