
suction是什么意思 suction在线翻译 suction什么意思 suction的意思 suction的翻译 suction的解释 suction的发音 suction的同义词 suction的反义词

suction [ˈsʌkʃn]  [ˈsʌkʃən] 


suction 基本解释

名词吸,抽吸; 6。[英国英语]喝酒; 6。[英国英语]喝酒


suction 相关词组

1. in a suction : 被恋爱弄得神魂颠倒;

suction 相关例句


1. Dirt and dust are drawn into a vacuum cleaner by suction.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Some pumps works by suction.

suction 网络解释

1. 吸力:简单地说,它们的工作原理都是提升进气的压力,因此当进气阀门打开的时候,这些相对压力较高的气体,自己就会因为压力差(Pressure Differential)的关系,自动地全数灌进汽缸里,不像自然进气引擎,还需要***着活塞的下行动作造成吸力(Suction),才把空气吸进.

2. 抽吸:附著於气管内管内壁之病菌经由气管抽吸(suction)时带入关於压力支持性通气(PSV)的叙述,下列何者正确?关於亚急性照护(subacute care)之对象,下列何者错误?关於碳水化合物(carbohydrate)之叙述,下列何者正确?

3. 吸:附著於气管内管内壁之病菌经由气管抽吸(suction)时带入关於压力支持性通气(PSV)的叙述,下列何者正确?关於亚急性照护(subacute care)之对象,下列何者错误?关於碳水化合物(carbohydrate)之叙述,下列何者正确?

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. [吸引器]: 图 1~24 各种拉钩图 1~25 S 状拉钩及其使用方法八,吸引器(Suction) 吸引器( Suction) 用于吸除手术野中出血,渗出物,脓液,空腔脏器中的内容物,使手术野清楚,减少污染机会.

5. suction:suct; 吸入

suction 词典解释

1. 吸;抽吸;吸出
    Suction is the process by which liquids, gases, or other substances are drawn out of somewhere.


    e.g. Dustbags act as a filter and suction will be reduced if they are too full...
    e.g. If the teat enters the cup, the suction of the milking machine ensures that it becomes attached.

2. (用医疗器械)抽吸,吸出
    If a doctor or nurse suctions a liquid, they remove it by using a machine which sucks it away.

    e.g. Michael was showing the nurse how to suction his saliva...
    e.g. We found a cyst and I suctioned off the liquid within.

3. (平面的)相吸
    Suction is the process by which two surfaces stick together when the air between them is removed.

    e.g. ...their pneumatic robot which uses air to move and sticks to surfaces by suction.

suction 单语例句

1. The suction caused the ear canal to warm and helped draw out impurities and toxins into the lower section of the candle.

2. The vacuum thus created made the cups adhere to my feet like the suction cups of an octopus.

3. A hospital website advertises more daring stunts such as belly fat suction and lower jaw sharpening.

4. The scientists fitted a harmless suction cup to the dolphin's head, with a sensor attached that monitored the animal's brainwaves.

5. Divers photographed a section of the seabed cleared of sediment with a powerful suction device.

6. They replaced the separator with a spare unit, but told controllers that the toilet didn't provide suction.

7. The next phase of the operation involves fat suction on the whole body and bottom augmentation.

8. This means the product does not rely on a bag or filter and does not lose suction.


suction 英英释义



1. the act of sucking

    Synonym: suckingsuck

2. a force over an area produced by a pressure difference


1. empty or clean (a body cavity) by the force of suction

    e.g. suction the uterus in an abortion

2. remove or draw away by the force of suction

    e.g. the doctors had to suction the water from the patient's lungs

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