
suffocate是什么意思 suffocate在线翻译 suffocate什么意思 suffocate的意思 suffocate的翻译 suffocate的解释 suffocate的发音 suffocate的同义词

suffocate [ˈsʌfəkeɪt]  [ˈsʌfəˌket] 


suffocate 基本解释

及物/不及物动词(使某人)窒息而死; (将某人)闷死; 阻碍

不及物动词呼吸困难,窒息; 受扼制; 受阻(发展不了)


suffocate 相关例句


1. The smoke almost suffocated me.

suffocate 网络解释

1. 窒息:首先来看题干的关系,因缺乏氧(OXYGEN)导致气窒息(SUFFOCATE),而且这两者之间存在一种本质的必然的关系--缺乏氧肯定导致窒息. 然而在选择答案的时候,很多人选择A,认为因缺乏供应品(supplies)而导致限制(restrict).

2. suffocate

2. 使窒息:suffocate the fire 将火闷熄 | suffocate 使窒息 | suffocation 窒息

3. suffocate的反义词

3. 窒闷,窒息:sufficient 足够,充分的 | suffocate 窒闷,窒息 | suffuse 充盈,布满

4. suffocate是什么意思

4. 讓愛窒息:06.Shine Like A Superstar 巨星登場 | 07.Suffocate 讓愛窒息 | 08.Words Are Not Enough 愛不是說了就夠

suffocate 词典解释

1. (使)窒息而死;(把…)闷死
    If someone suffocates or is suffocated, they die because there is no air for them to breathe.

    e.g. He either suffocated, or froze to death...
    e.g. They were suffocated as they slept.

Many of the victims died of suffocation.

2. (使)呼吸困难;(使)憋闷
    If you say that you are suffocating or that something is suffocating you, you mean that you feel very uncomfortable because there is not enough fresh air and it is difficult to breathe.

    e.g. That's better. I was suffocating in that cell of a room...
    e.g. The airlessness of the room suffocated her.

3. (受)束缚;(受)扼制
    You say that a person or thing is suffocating, or that something is suffocating them, when the situation that they are in does not allow them to act freely or to develop.


    e.g. After a few weeks with her parents, she felt she was suffocating...
    e.g. The governor's proposals would actually cost millions of jobs and suffocate the economy.

suffocate 单语例句

1. He simply cannot cut it in the grinding machine, which will only suffocate him.

2. After police found him hiding in a sewer with a diameter less than 1 m, they feared he would suffocate amid the dirty water and slime.

3. When lily pads cover up the whole surface of a pond, all fish and other organisms living underneath will suffocate to death.

4. Heavy pollution will threaten the public's health and suffocate the country's future economic growth.

5. Low levels of oxygen in the area the miners are trapped has increased the likelihood the miners will suffocate.

6. But its major harm is to suffocate the lake surface, killing aquatic animals and causing pollution.

7. It is in no one's interests to suffocate the engine of world economic growth with protectionist measures.

8. In the final stages they become paralyzed until they suffocate to death.

9. Red tides are large algae blooms that can accumulate dangerous levels of the neurotoxins that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning and suffocate sea creatures.

10. Heiner said Microsoft expects that stripping IE from Windows 7 will bolster its position that it is not bundling software in order to suffocate competition.

suffocate 英英释义



1. struggle for breath
    have insufficient oxygen intake

    e.g. he swallowed a fishbone and gagged

    Synonym: gagchokestrangle

2. feel uncomfortable for lack of fresh air

    e.g. The room was hot and stuffy and we were suffocating

3. be asphyxiated
    die from lack of oxygen

    e.g. The child suffocated under the pillow

    Synonym: stifleasphyxiate

4. suppress the development, creativity, or imagination of

    e.g. His job suffocated him

    Synonym: choke

5. become stultified, suppressed, or stifled

    e.g. He is suffocating--living at home with his aged parents in the small village

    Synonym: choke

6. impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of

    e.g. The foul air was slowly suffocating the children

    Synonym: stifleasphyxiatechoke

7. deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing

    e.g. Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow
           The child suffocated herself with a plastic bag that the parents had left on the floor

    Synonym: smotherasphyxiate

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