
summation是什么意思 summation在线翻译 summation什么意思 summation的意思 summation的翻译 summation的解释 summation的发音 summation的同义词

summation [sʌˈmeɪʃn]  [səˈmeʃən] 


summation 基本解释

名词总和; 总结; 概括; 加在一起

summation 网络解释

1. 总和:4.收缩的总和 骨骼肌通过收缩的总和(summation)可以快速调节收缩的强度. 总和的发生是在神经系统的调节下完成的,它有两种形式:运动单位数量的总和以及频率效应的总和. 平滑肌(smooth muscle)广泛分布于人体的消化、呼吸、血管、泌尿和生殖等系统.

2. summation的翻译

2. 求和:10.6 求和(summation)配置12.3.2 允许式欠范围传输跳闸(PUP)方案12.3.4 允许式超范围传输跳闸(POP)方案

3. summation

3. 和:它使用以逗号分隔的值列表作为输入,并将这些值的总和作为输出. 如果您的列表组件能够将一列数据作为一组值导出,那么该组件将被连接到求和(summation)组件,而将结果发送回另一个组件以显示总和. 某些复合应用程序可能由一些页面组成.

4. 叠合:那种V-DOSC 不知何故完成高频叠合(summation)的整个观念简直是不切合实际的,事实是,所有厂家是在制造强指向高频的设计,这是为什么要弯曲阵列的原因,因为像这种指向是不能被导向的-你不能用电子的方法导向它-你只能用电子的方法去导向无指向声源.

summation 词典解释

1. 总结;概要;概括
    A summation is a summary of what someone has said or done.

    e.g. Her introduction is a model of fairness, a lively summation of Irish history.

summation 单语例句

1. Clark said he expected the demand would be met and he anticipated being present for the summation.

2. The judges were expected to read a lengthy summation of the trial before delivering their verdict and sentencing on Tuesday.

3. Aides described the unusual ad as a final summation of Obama's campaign.

4. " Cheap price but good quality " is her summation of the three she actually bought.

5. Aides had said Bush would not use the address as a summation of his time in office.

6. Perry's closing will conclude Monday followed by the summation by the defense.

7. Saddam's defense lawyers are due to give their summation on July 10, but have threatened a boycott without improved security.

summation 英英释义


1. the arithmetic operation of summing
    calculating the sum of two or more numbers

    e.g. the summation of four and three gives seven
           four plus three equals seven

    Synonym: additionplus

2. a concluding summary (as in presenting a case before a law court)

    Synonym: summing uprundown

3. the final aggregate

    e.g. the sum of all our troubles did not equal the misery they suffered

    Synonym: sumsum total

4. (physiology) the process whereby multiple stimuli can produce a response (in a muscle or nerve or other part) that one stimulus alone does not produce

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