
surpass是什么意思 surpass在线翻译 surpass什么意思 surpass的意思 surpass的翻译 surpass的解释 surpass的发音 surpass的同义词 surpass的反义词

surpass [səˈpɑ:s]  [sərˈpæs] 


surpass 基本解释

及物动词超过; 优于; 胜过; 非…所能办到

surpass 相关例句


1. surpass

1. His success surpassed belief.

2. The result surpassed their hopes.

3. The task surpassed his skill.

4. surpass

4. She surpassed her brother in mathematics.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The latecomers surpass the early starters.

surpass 网络解释

1. 超过:control 控制 | surpass 超过 | survive 生存

2. 超越,胜过:surging 喘振 | surpass 超越胜过 | surplus air 过剩空气

surpass 词典解释

1. 超过;胜过;优于
    If one person or thing surpasses another, the first is better than, or has more of a particular quality than, the second.

    e.g. He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers...
    e.g. Warwick Arts Centre is the second largest Arts Centre in Britain, surpassed in size only by London's Barbican.

2. 远远超出(预期)
    If something surpasses expectations, it is much better than it was expected to be.


    e.g. Conrad Black gave an excellent party that surpassed expectations.

3. 超出(理解范围)
    If something surpasses understanding, it is too difficult to understand.


    e.g. ...a clever and spectacularly successful system, the detailed complexity of which surpasses our full understanding.

surpass 单语例句

1. Qian also said that any introduction of exotic culture should by no means surpass the tolerance bottom line of the native culture.

2. Going purely by numbers, the Indian athletes will have to surpass their own expectations to finish on the podium.

3. Toyota has yet to surpass GM as the world's largest car maker by volume, but it has secured a leadership position by other measures.

4. But the US Government predicts the imbalance is on track to surpass last year's record US $ 202 billion based on a different set of calculation methods.

5. The green land coverage will surpass 40 percent, with per capita green land area in the city proper reaching 12 square meters.

6. And their competitors from New Zealand saw sales surpass $ 58 million last year, with the nation holding a 41 percent share of China's cheese market.

7. The possibility Fukushima's emissions could surpass Chernobyl's is considered small, but still a risk until Fukushima's cooling systems are restored.

8. Some estimate the true number of private entrepreneurs could surpass 10 million, if those who have affiliated their businesses with big state or collective entities are included.

9. The event aims not only to surpass the level of domestic and international art expositions, but also put more emphasis on art's commercial possibilities and academic discussions.

10. China's continuous growth in grain output over the past two years has not been enough to surpass the record 500 billion kg in 1998.

surpass 英英释义



1. be or do something to a greater degree

    e.g. her performance surpasses that of any other student I know
           She outdoes all other athletes
           This exceeds all my expectations
           This car outperforms all others in its class

    Synonym: outstripoutmatchoutgoexceedoutdosurmountoutperform

2. move past

    e.g. A black limousine passed by when she looked out the window
           He passed his professor in the hall
           One line of soldiers surpassed the other

    Synonym: travel bypass bygo pastgo bypass

3. be greater in scope or size than some standard

    e.g. Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds

    Synonym: exceedtranscend

4. distinguish oneself

    e.g. She excelled in math

    Synonym: excelstand out

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