
surprised是什么意思 surprised在线翻译 surprised什么意思 surprised的意思 surprised的翻译 surprised的解释 surprised的发音 surprised的同义词

surprised [səˈpraɪzd]  [sərˈpraɪzd] 


surprised 基本解释

形容词惊讶的; 惊奇的; 觉得奇怪的; 感觉意外的


surprised 情景对话


B:We have inspected the rice, and we're surprised to know that the weight is short.

A:We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight.

B:I see.


A:You really do look great tonight, Amber.

B:Why, thank you. You don't look so bad yourself (laughs)

A:(laughing also) I appreciate that. Speaking of which, I was wondering if I am older than you, because you look so young. How old are you, anyway?


B:(hesitatingly) Oh, I'm not too old, but I'm over eighteen.

A:I'm sorry, maybe that was a dumb question.

B:No, it's not that. Just…well, I was just a little surprised with your question. It's a bit unusual here for people to ask about age so soon.

A:Forgive me. I didn't mean to be impolite or rude.

B:I know. Anyway, I'm 27.


A:Really. You don't look a day over 23. How do you stay so young-looking?

B:(flattered) No special way. Just a happy-go-lucky type of person, I guess.
      Amber :(高兴状)没什么特殊的方法。只是生性快乐罢了。


A:Well, it works. You really don't look your age. I'm 28, by the way.


B:(jokingly) Is that right? I thought you might be a bit older…just joking.

A:I guess I deserved that. (changing the subject) So, what about….

surprised 网络解释

1. 惊讶:逻辑推理 因园丁知道狗的死因,狗被车撞了当即死亡,不会有痛苦的,并不知道警官们问话的用意,对于这个警官的问话,他感到很惊讶(surprised),而不是高兴(happy)、激动(excited)和感兴趣

2. 驚喜:从别人口中,学到了如何订阅女人的RSS理论,她说不外乎就是浪漫(Romantic)、惊喜(Surprised)以及特别(Special),当全世界的理智都在追求公平,女人心里的矛盾是在追求不公平的VIP待遇,事实上,爱情里并没有公平这两个字,仅有唯一;

surprised 词典解释

1. 惊奇的;惊讶的;觉得奇怪的;感觉意外的
    If you are surprised at something, you have a feeling of surprise, because it is unexpected or unusual.

    e.g. This lady was genuinely surprised at what happened to her pet...
    e.g. Chang seemed surprised to find the big living-room empty...

2. see also: surprise

Take care not to confuse surprised
and surprising. 注意不要混淆 surprised 和 surprising。

surprised 单语例句

1. " I was surprised by the one round victory, " IOC President Jacques Rogge told The Associated Press.

2. A young woman of the Li ethnic group from the island province of Hainan surprised viewers by playing her bamboo flute with her nose.

3. Li selected the special number by chance last year and was surprised at how auspicious it was.

4. He was surprised to learn half the villagers were making paper by hand and that half also share his surname.

5. Even the man himself readily admits he wouldn't have been surprised to have been ushered out of Stamford Bridge by now.

6. Ye added he was not surprised by the absence of the farmers'voices, as he has seen China's farmers taken for granted for decades.

7. US President Bush earlier this month surprised the international community by recommending Wolfowitz for the job.

8. News of the lump sum payment roiled Wall Street, and even some board members were surprised by certain pay arrangements.

9. Commissioner David Stern said in a phone interview that he wasn't surprised by the figures.

10. Yet Prandelli said he wasn't surprised by the way his side performed.

surprised 英英释义


1. taken unawares or suddenly and feeling wonder or astonishment

    e.g. surprised by her student's ingenuity
           surprised that he remembered my name
           a surprised expression

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