
sweaty是什么意思 sweaty在线翻译 sweaty什么意思 sweaty的意思 sweaty的翻译 sweaty的解释 sweaty的发音 sweaty的同义词 sweaty的反义词 sweaty的例句

sweaty [ˈsweti]  [ˈswɛti] 


sweaty 基本解释

形容词吃力的; 浑身出汗的; 汗臭的; 汗似的

sweaty 网络解释

1. 出汗的:sweatshop 血汗工厂 | sweaty 出汗的 | Swede 瑞典人

2. sweaty的近义词

2. 多汗的:Delicate 纤巧的 | Sweaty 多汗的 | Veined 青筋突出的

3. 大嘴模式:BLOATED 获得一个Afro | SWEATY 大嘴模式 | IDKFA 好笑的画面

4. sweaty的反义词

4. 流汗:And it would get kind of...|然后就会开始... | ...sweaty...|流汗... | ...and blurry.|目眩神迷...

sweaty 双语例句

1. sweaty的解释

1. You may feel stressed and tense or unable to relax. You may experience physical symptoms such as headaches, sweaty hands, upset stomach, pounding heart, and muscle tension.

2. Sweaty hands will rub out all the urgent details that you doodled, plus no sheet of paper around!

3. sweaty的意思

3. I have sweaty feet, smelly most of the time.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. There are several health related issues, which are often found too embarrassing to be discussed and talked about; this could range from Hair Loss to Sweaty Feet.

5. Whether the man be sweaty feet every every or not?

6. His teacher made him start at daybreak, with sun salutations towards the east until he was sweaty and hot. Then followed postures, shoulderstands, headstands, deep breathing in the Lotus position and meditative rest.

7. Of the plows in the fields and the sweaty faces of the coffee pickers

8. However, girls said that donghae xi is very cute with an sweaty face-- he faced to rainbow towel and make the microphone toward our girls.

9. sweaty的近义词

9. When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had finally been completed, the really challenging task remained: the dangerous, sweaty, backbreaking, brawling business of actually building the lines.

10. Then, when I got there, I was all sweaty because I had been looking for the office so long.

11. I get sweaty just by sitting in this hot room.

12. I`m still a little shy about my status. My face gets red and I get very sweaty.

13. Then we`ll see him when he comes off the court, and I`ll get his sweaty kiss.

14. Carrying such a heavy bag, I was very easy to get sweaty.

15. We felt like we were shooting our first music video again, and we had a hard time sleeping. That's why I get so sweaty after just a couple of moves...

16. If the sweaty guy standing in line next to you smells like vanilla-or urine-you may have whiffed a steroid in his body odor called androstenone.

17. In this new movie, JJM not only transformed from wearing a sweaty taekwondo uniform to wearing a fitting black suit, he also reinvented himself in expression as well as speaking in the local dialect.

18. Most days, they`d emerge, sweaty and dirty and dusted from coal.

19. danci.911chaxun.com

19. I felt a stir of panic by the time we climbed into the van for the bumpy, sweaty ride back from a ramshackle village where women followed us waving batik shirts and purses.

20. sweaty的翻译

20. Put on a deodorant with light smell. So even if you are nervous and sweaty she wouldn`t know that.

sweaty 词典解释

1. 满是汗的;汗淋淋的
    If parts of your body or your clothes are sweaty, they are soaked or covered with sweat.

    e.g. ...sweaty hands...
    e.g. She was hot and sweaty.

2. 热得(或累得)让人出汗的
    A sweaty place or activity makes you sweat because it is hot or tiring.

    e.g. ...a sweaty nightclub.

sweaty 单语例句

1. After a sweaty health club workout, don't kid yourself that the candy bar in your gym bag is health food.

2. Hill climbers not bothered by Taipei's sweaty humidity can test their stamina on steep mountain roads often devoid of cars and trucks.

3. Typical of this was a school in Guangzhou that found hugging left its pupils red and sweaty with embarrassment.

4. If all else fails, it's a chance to get all hot and sweaty on the dancefloor.

5. I have asked incredulously on many occasions while wiping my sweaty face with a napkin.

6. There was no nudity, just the sweaty faces of two characters in the act of making love.

7. For women afraid to wear white trousers under the sweaty summer sun, a Japanese fashion maker says it has a solution.

8. Although it's hot and sweaty now in their country, still fans want to wear wigs of the team they surpport.

9. Everyone in the room was in the sweaty little palm of his strumming hand.

10. He'd come into the hotel from the gym and he was sweaty and wanted to take a shower.

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