
swimsuit是什么意思 swimsuit在线翻译 swimsuit什么意思 swimsuit的意思 swimsuit的翻译 swimsuit的解释 swimsuit的发音 swimsuit的同义词

swimsuit [ˈswɪmsu:t]  [ˈswɪmˌsut] 


swimsuit 基本解释



swimsuit 网络解释

1. 泳装:下次一定会Sarah Hyland甜美的笑容使她有机会出演<<应召女郎的秘密日记>> 第三季,从而成为美国的一名新星, 近日,小美女在海边秀了一把好身材, Sarah Hyland在海边秀性感豹纹泳装(Swimsuit) 与友人交流 手里还拿了一件泳装,

2. 游泳衣:首页 -> DAHONG韩国服装 -> 夏季特殊商品 -> 游泳衣(Swimsuit)移动用户发送HNZB到10658000,订阅河南手机报. 早报+晚报,每天一角钱. 大河网讯 在英国速比涛(Speedo)公司生产的LZR Racer泳衣于欧洲、澳大利亚和日本的锦标赛、公开赛上创造多项游泳世界纪录奇迹后,

3. 泳衣:1、大内衣(UNDERSKIRT):分为常规内衣(俗称棉毛衫)、第一代保暖内衣、第二代保暖内衣 2、睡衣/家居服(NIGHTSUIT) 3、泳衣(SWIMSUIT)5、功能内衣(FUNCTIONAL UNDERWEAR)(以塑身、减肥、美体、明确的保健功能等为诉求点的内衣) 6、情趣内衣(

4. (女)泳装:swiftach,tag pin 枪针(打吊牌用) | swimsuit (女)泳装 | tab 挂袢,拉袢,(帽)护耳

swimsuit 词典解释

1. (尤指女式)游泳衣
    A swimsuit is a piece of clothing that is worn for swimming, especially by women and girls.


swimsuit 单语例句

1. Another high note for Beyonce the coveted cover shot of this year's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

2. Decker had been modeling for Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issues for five years before getting the nod for the cover.

3. Hilary Duff looks so good that she was chosen for the cover of Us Weekly's first annual swimsuit issue.

4. Katie Blair beat the competition in swimsuit, evening gown and interview categories to claim the crown Tuesday night.

5. The final round included a talent show and swimsuit and evening dress competition.

6. The talent competition counts for 30 percent, while the swimsuit and evening gown competitions each count for 20 percent.

7. They were picked last week during preliminary judging in the contest's swimsuit, evening gown and interview categories.

8. Contestants from 50 states and the District of Columbia will be judged in the swimsuit, evening gown and interview categories.

9. A Fast Skin swimsuit contains 22 stitches for every inch of seaming.

10. The designers said they mimicked the herringbone swimsuit worn by Barbie on her grand debut in 1959.

swimsuit 英英释义


1. tight fitting garment worn for swimming

    Synonym: swimwearbathing suitswimming costumebathing costume

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