
swipe是什么意思 swipe在线翻译 swipe什么意思 swipe的意思 swipe的翻译 swipe的解释 swipe的发音 swipe的同义词 swipe的反义词 swipe的例句

swipe [swaɪp]  [swaɪp] 


swipe 基本解释

名词重击; 尖锐的评论; 柄,握杆

及物动词重击; 刷(磁卡); 偷窃


swipe 网络解释

1. 横扫:3个技能(重殴,横扫,割伤)的仇恨分析 横扫(Swipe)正确的伤害公式是84+AP/15 计算7.5秒(3次重欧5次横扫/割伤)内各技能仇恨,只计算基础仇恨,130%/145%仇恨系数省...

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 猛挥杆:Swinging set 挥杆动作的中间 | Swipe 猛挥杆 | Take back 向后拉杆、开始上杆

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 强打:swink 辛劳 | swipe 强打 | swipes 低级啤酒

4. 用力挥击:swink 辛苦一番 | swipe 用力挥击 | swipethwacktonk 强打

swipe 词典解释

1. 挥起(棍棒等)击打
    If you swipe at a person or thing, you try to hit them with a stick or other object, making a swinging movement with your arm.


    e.g. She swiped at Rusty as though he was a fly...
    e.g. He swiped me across the shoulder with the poker.

2. 偷窃
    If you swipe something, you steal it quickly.

    e.g. Five soldiers were each fined £140 for swiping a wheelchair from a disabled tourist...
           5 名士兵因偷窃一名残疾人游客的轮椅而每人被罚款 140 英镑。
    e.g. Everywhere I went, people kept trying to swipe my copy of The New York Times.

3. (通常指间接的)批评,抨击
    If you take a swipe at a person or an organization, you criticize them, usually in an indirect way.


    e.g. Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people's homes...
    e.g. In a swipe at the president, he called for an end to 'begging for aid around the world'.

4. 刷(信用卡等)
    If you swipe a credit card or swipe card through a machine, you pass it through a narrow space in the machine so that the machine can read information on the card's magnetic strip.

    e.g. Swipe your card through the phone, then dial.

swipe 单语例句

1. Riders can swipe a card on a machine to release a locked bicycle and return it to any site by swiping the card.

2. It has never gone out of his sight except for a few instances the cashier took it away to swipe it on a POS machine.

3. And he couldn't resist taking a final swipe at Capello before saying'adios'to the Spanish capital.

4. The central bank cut interest rates five consecutive times from September to December 2008, the fourth of which lowered the rate 108 basis points in a single swipe.

5. It is like the drawing and writing tablet that children use - which leaves an indelible mark until you swipe with the eraser knob.

6. Before Beijing upgraded its buses to accept swipe cards, commuters used to buy flimsy paper tickets.

7. A lot of times on a swipe tag, the glove will pause.

8. Passengers go down to the second floor to swipe their cards to enter the station.

9. Gillard also took a swipe at Qantas airline management, saying the grounding of its entire fleet was " an extreme approach ".

10. A German television documentary has taken a swipe at England's 1966 World Cup triumph and the controversial goal scored by Geoff Hurst.

swipe 英英释义


1. a sweeping stroke or blow


1. strike with a swiping motion

2. make off with belongings of others

    Synonym: pilfercabbagepurloinpinchabstractsnarfhooksneakfilchnobblelift

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