
syndicate是什么意思 syndicate在线翻译 syndicate什么意思 syndicate的意思 syndicate的翻译 syndicate的解释 syndicate的发音 syndicate的同义词

syndicate [ˈsɪndɪkət]  [ˈsɪndɪkɪt] 


syndicate 基本解释




syndicate 相关例句


1. The news was syndicated in papers around the world.


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1. A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract.

syndicate 网络解释

1. 银团:欧洲债券由国际银团(syndicate)发行,可不受任何国家资本市场的限制,且免扣缴税. 欧洲债券不同于欧元债券,后者是指以欧元发行的债券. 由临时组成的国际银团(bank syndicate)发放的大额银行贷款,期限通常为3至5年.

2. 承销团:如果发行规模较大,为了促进销售并降低风险,通常由数家投资银行组成承销团(syndicate)来承销证券. 负责组织承销团的投资银行被称为经理人(manager如果有数家经理人,负责协调经理人的投资银行则被称为牵头经理人(leadmanager).

syndicate 词典解释

The noun is pronounced /'sɪndɪkət/. The verb is pronounced /'sɪndɪkeɪt/. 名词读作/'sɪndɪkət/。动词读作 /'sɪndɪkeɪt/

1. 辛迪加;私人联合会;企业联合组织
    A syndicate is an association of people or organizations that is formed for business purposes or in order to carry out a project.

    e.g. They formed a syndicate to buy the car in which they competed in the race.
    e.g. ...a syndicate of 152 banks.
           152 家银行组成的财团

2. 把(新闻或电视节目)同时出售给多家媒体(供其发表或播放)
    When newspaper articles or television programmes are syndicated, they are sold to several different newspapers or television stations, who then publish the articles or broadcast the programmes.

    e.g. Today his programme is syndicated to 500 stations...
           今天他的节目将在 500 多家电视台播出。
    e.g. Myssi is well known in Finland for her quirky food column, which is syndicated across the country.

The show was ready for syndication in early 1987...
该节目在 1987 年初已可以在各地方电视台播放。
All together, Columbia has 23 sitcoms in syndication.
哥伦比亚广播公司一共有 23 部情景喜剧在非联网电视台市场播放。

3. (报业)辛迪加,巨头
    A press syndicate is a group of newspapers or magazines that are all owned by the same person or company.

syndicate 单语例句

1. The bust comes after authorities received a tipoff that an international drug syndicate would be using Singapore as a transit point.

2. The US team argues that the Spanish syndicate is an invalid challenger since it never held a regatta as required in the regulations.

3. Wang claimed that he got the counterfeit money from a clerk working for his company, though police believe he is a runner for a counterfeiting syndicate.

4. Several local and foreign suspects have already been prosecuted for their part in a syndicate involved in converting stolen foreign licences into local ones.

5. Customs officers of Hong Kong recently arrested the mastermind of a syndicate distributing counterfeit drugs smuggled from the mainland.

6. Customs officers have arrested the mastermind of a syndicate specialized in distributing counterfeit drugs smuggled from the mainland.

7. Maxwell Smart is on a mission to thwart the latest plot for world domination by the evil crime syndicate known as KAOS.

8. Gong's alleged syndicate is among dozens of other organized crime groups ending up in the courts following a massive police crackdown on criminal gangs.

9. He said the syndicate bought the passports for use in the commission of other crimes.

10. In an opinion piece published in the news journal Project Syndicate last week, former Australian prime minister Malcolm Fraser warned the Obama administration against provocative policies toward China.


syndicate 英英释义


1. an association of companies for some definite purpose

    Synonym: consortiumpool

2. a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities

    Synonym: crime syndicatemobfamily

3. a news agency that sells features or articles or photographs etc. to newspapers for simultaneous publication



1. sell articles, television programs, or photos to several publications or independent broadcasting stations

2. organize into or form a syndicate

3. join together into a syndicate

    e.g. The banks syndicated

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