
tab是什么意思 tab在线翻译 tab什么意思 tab的意思 tab的翻译 tab的解释 tab的发音 tab的同义词 tab的反义词 tab的例句 tab的相关词组

tab [tæb]  [tæb] 


tab 基本解释

名词帐单; (易拉罐的)拉环; 标签,制表

及物动词<口>监视; 给…贴标签; 用垂饰安装

abbr.(=Technical Assistance Board (of the United Nations))(联合国)技术援助委


tab 相关例句


1. We tabbed him lazybones.


1. You can open the can by pulling the tab.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. The company picked up the tab for our trip.

3. The tab for superhighways may run as high as 2 million dollars a kilometer.

4. tab在线翻译

4. Before my first day at school my mother sewed tabs on all my clothes with my name on.

tab 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 标签页:这款选项卡效果,是我见过的一个不错的选项卡效果,不是最好,也是很好的点击运行可以看到效果:Javascript 标签页(TAB)浏览控件推介之:DOMTab - javascript, DOMTab, TAB, 标签页,PHP/MySQL (X)HTML/CSS

2. 表:并提供以下注意:检查系统位%S51 确认日历时钟(RTC)选件已安装,见系统位控制器只有在安装RTC选件卡(TWDXCPRTC)的情况下才能更新日期和l 通过离散(PWM)或模拟输出发送相应命令到驱动执行器类型 结果(res) 表(Tab)类型 结果(res

3. 片剂:安神补脑药全部为传统的口服剂型,有胶囊剂(CAP)、片剂(TAB)、口服液/溶液剂(SOLN)、丸剂(PILL)、糖浆剂(SYRP)、散剂(POWD)、颗粒剂(GRAN)等7种,其中又以胶囊剂最占优势.

4. tab什么意思

4. tab:total air balance; 全部空气平衡

5. tab:table; 桌面类

6. tab:trimethyl am monium bromide; 十六烷基三甲基溴化铵

7. tab是什么意思

7. tab:total allocated budget; 全部分配预算

8. tab在线翻译

8. tab:t; 标签,TAB键

tab 词典解释

1. (标明相关信息的)小布条,小标签,小纸条
    A tab is a small piece of cloth or paper that is attached to something, usually with information about that thing written on it.

    e.g. A stupid medical clerk had slipped the wrong tab on his X-ray.
    e.g. ...a small red tab sewn on to the left-hand side of the back right pocket.

2. (商品、服务的)总价钱,账单
    A tab is the total cost of goods or services that you have to pay, or the bill or check for those goods or services.

    e.g. At least one estimate puts the total tab at $7 million...
           至少有一个估价把总数定在了 700 万美元。
    e.g. 'I'll get my purse out of the bedroom.' — 'No sweat, Mrs. Day. We can put it on your tab.'

3. (易拉罐的)拉环
    A tab is a metal strip that you pull off the top of a can of drink in order to open it.

4. (尤指非法出售的)药片
    A tab is a drug, especially one that is sold illegally, which is in tablet form.

    e.g. One tab of Ecstasy costs at least £15.
           一粒摇头丸至少卖 15 英镑。

5. 密切注意,严密监视(某人的一举一动)
    If someone keeps tabs on you, they make sure that they always know where you are and what you are doing, often in order to control you.

    e.g. It was obvious Hill had come over to keep tabs on Johnson and make sure he didn't do anything drastic.

6. (替一群人)付账,承担费用
    If you pick up the tab, you pay a bill on behalf of a group of people or provide the money that is needed for something.

    e.g. Pollard picked up the tab for dinner that night...
    e.g. Today any employee with back or shoulder pain can go straight to Mr Jay and the company will pick up the tab.

tab 单语例句


1. He also said he was willing to underwrite the excessive voucher distribution himself, rather than demanding that officials at the local government level pick up the tab.

2. That is to pick up the tab whenever we go out to dine with friends.

3. It has cost taxpayers about $ 500 billion and estimates of the final tab run far higher.

4. But prepare to pay the full tab three months ahead of the Games, they say.

5. TAB and PepsiCo's current bottlers will hold the rights to distribute PepsiCo's branded beverage products in China.

6. The DoH will keep a tab on those who live within 200 meters of the patient's residence and may conduct blood tests if needed.

7. Therefore it is simply unrealistic and impossible for China to " pick up the tab with reckless abandon " at the height of this global financial crisis.

8. Thomas previously asked a judge to toss out the lawsuit and have Browne Sanders pick up the tab for his legal fees.

9. If Shanghai's nightlife scene decides to move up and not out, we can all apply those cab fares to our bar tab.

10. Chinese men wouldn't think of asking their girlfriends to pick up the tab because paying the bill gives them face.

tab 英英释义


1. a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet

    Synonym: pilllozengetablet

2. a short strip of material attached to or projecting from something in order to facilitate opening or identifying or handling it

    e.g. pull the tab to open the can
           files with a red tab will be stored separately
           the collar has a tab with a button hole
           the filing cards were organized by cards having indexed tabs

3. the key on a typewriter or a word processor that causes a tabulation

    Synonym: tab key

4. sensationalist journalism

    Synonym: yellow journalismtabloid

5. the bill in a restaurant

    e.g. he asked the waiter for the check

    Synonym: checkchit

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